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The applicants say that the paragraph affects a considerable number of employees namely Mr Amies, Mr R. Brown, Mr Davis, Captain Eden, Captain Gemmell, Captain Grundy, Captain Hawkins, Mr Hewitt, Captain Johnson and Mr Lawton. These include all the employees affected by the other paragraphs under challenge.

Si vous etes de ses amies, elle vous dira ce qui en est."* * "Correspondance complete du Mme. du Deffand," vol. i. The letters for the succeeding year contain frequent references to Carlisle's youthful passion.

Petersburg, by the Czar's now famous employment of the words "deux nations amies et alliées."

They knew Madame d'Ambre, knew her very well indeed, for they called her "Madeleine" or "Chère Lena." Nevertheless, she did not appear pleased to see them. "Bon soir, mes amies," she said evasively, and would have passed on, but, laughingly, they stopped her.

Every night during the winter season there is a bal paré et masqué, and occasionally "quadroon balls," which are attended by the young men of the city and their chères amies quadroons, who are decidedly the finest women in the country, being well formed, and graceful in their carriage.

This valuable and interesting letter is preserved in the State archives of the House of Este at Modena, and was first published by Signor Gustavo Uzielli, in his Leonardo da Vinci e Tre donne Milanesi, p. 43. Muratori, xxiv. 342. M. Sanuto, Diarii, i. 489. L. Pélissier, Les Amies de L. Sforza. Cantù in A. S. L., 1874, p. 183.

The reason of this mystery is, that the modern Croesuses having mostly acquired their riches in a clandestine manner, they take every possible precaution to prevent the reports in circulation concerning their ill-gotten pelf from being confirmed by a display of luxury in their cheres amies.

The fauns and sylphs, the household sprite, the moonlight revel, Oberon, Queen Mab, and the delicious realms of fairy-land, all vanish before the light of true philosophy; but who does not sometimes turn with distaste from the cold realities of morning, and seek to recall the sweet visions of the night? From fire, from water, and all things amies, Deliver the house of an honest justice.

Octave was always, as he would phrase it, dans une deche epouvantable, but he managed to keep a thoroughbred horse in the stable at the end of the garden, and this horse was ordered as soon as the light failed. He would say, "Mes amis et mes amies, je regrette, mais mon cheval m'attend."

She is the one I love above all others, and I know she loves me. I love those who love her. As the French say, 'Les amies de mes amies sont mes amies. I am a poor helpless woman, more to be pitied than the world can believe. I have only my gratitude to offer you, Sir Karl, but that shall be yours so long as I live."