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Domagaia straight sent two women to fetch some of it, which brought ten or twelue branches of it, and therewithall shewed the way how to vse it, and that is thus, to take the barke and leaues of the sayd tree, and boile them togither, then to drinke of the sayd decoction euery other day, and to put the dregs of it vpon his legs that is sicke: moreouer, they told vs, that the vertue of that tree was, to heale any other disease: the tree is in their language called Ameda or Hanneda, this is thought to be the Sassafras tree.

Ameda sat upright, and rubbed his eyes with well-feigned sleepiness: "Well, Señor Americano, what is it Indians smelling about?" Dr. Bryant could not repress a smile at the drowsy tone of the ranchero, who scarce five moments before had crept from his side. "Upon my word, you seem a match for the seven sleepers of old.

He asked him for an explanation, and was told that the medicine which cured this disease was made from the leaves and bark of a tree called ameda.

Cartier, walking one day near the river, met an Indian, who not long before had been prostrate, like many of his fellows, with the scurvy, but who was now, to all appearance, in high health and spirits. What agency had wrought this marvellous recovery? According to the Indian, it was a certain evergreen, called by him ameda, a decoction of the leaves of which was sovereign against the disease.