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"jurisque secundi Ambitus impatiens, et summo dulcius unum Stare loco," than this child of fourteen has done in the following couplet, which, most judiciously, by reversing the two clauses, gains the power of fusing them into connection. "And impotent desire to reign alone, That scorns the dull reversion of a throne."

Therefore after this circumscriptio, or continuatio, or comprehensio, or ambitus, if we may so call it, was once introduced, there was no one of any consideration who ever wrote an oration of that kind which was intended only to give pleasure, and unconnected with judicial proceedings or forensic contests, who did not reduce almost all his sentences to a certain set form and rhythm.

Cicero would not be able to reach Epirus without coming within his reach; for he had been condemned for ambitus, and was in exile there or in Achaia. I hope you will attribute my sudden departure from Vibo, whither I had asked you come, to my unhappiness rather than to fickleness.

I venture, contrary to all editors, to take omnibus as dative, and to suppose that the consilia meant are those of the album iudicum who had been selected to try cases of ambitus, of which many were expected. There is no proof that the iudices in a iudicium tacitum had to be senators, and the names in the next sentence point the other way.

He also defended C. Rabirius, prosecuted by Iulius Cæsar for the murder of Saturninus as long ago as B.C. 100, and later in the year defended Murena on a charge of ambitus. Finally, the three Catilinarian speeches illustrate the event which coloured the whole of Cicero's life. In B.C. 62 his brother Quintus was prætor and Cicero defended in his court P. Sulla, accused of complicity with Catiline.

Cicero defended him against a charge of Ambitus or bribery at his election for the consulship, and in his oration, which is extant, he speaks highly of him. Some critics think that Plutarch is speaking of torture. It was one per cent. per month, or twelve per cent. per annum. He was a clever, unprincipled fellow, and the bitter enemy of Cicero, whom during his tribunate he caused to be banished.

In B.C. 64 he attained his chief ambition by being elected to the consulship, but we have little trace of his public actions that year, only the fragments of one speech remaining, in defence of Q. Gallius on a charge of ambitus.

In hac ciuitate Cambalu residet Imperator Magnus Can, Rex Regum terrestrium, et Dominus Dominorum terrestrium. Atque inde vlterius in Orientem intratur vetus vrbs Caydo, vbi communiter tenet suam sedem Imperialem Grand Can in suo palatio. Ambitus autem vrbis Caydo, est viginti fere leucarum, duodecim habens portas a se distantes amplius quam stadia 24. The English Version.

The French are the originators of this particular deception; but if a term is of any importance if words derive any value from applicability then 'analysis' conveys 'algebra' about as much as, in Latin, 'ambitus' implies 'ambition, 'religio' 'religion, or 'homines honesti, a set of honorablemen." "You have a quarrel on hand, I see," said I, "with some of the algebraists of Paris; but proceed."