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While she sat there, drawn-faced with the cold, thinking rather amazedly these things which she told herself she had no right to think, the launch slipped into the quiet nook of Cougar Bay and slowed down to the float. Monohan helped her out, threw off the canoe's painter, and climbed back into the launch. "You're as wet as I am," Stella said.

"What DOES she talk to you about?" he asked amazedly. "It's your business in life, after all. She's not taught ye any other. What does she expect ye to do learn it all after it's too late to change?" "All what?" Sally said, a little frightened, even a little sick. He stopped his march, and looked at her with something like pity.

Zaida!" he said gently, amazedly. She salaamed low. "Forgive me, O my lord!" she said, in a whispering voice, drawing her veil about her head. "It was my soul's desire to look upon thy face once more." "Whither didst thou go at Harrik's death? I sent to find thee, and give thee safety; but thou wert gone, none knew where." "O my lord, what was I but a mote in thy sun, that thou shouldst seek me?"

Then I heard a little cry, and saw her come flying down the great hall, leaving him standing amazedly in the archway of the palm alcove. She passed me at the door, her face vividly white, went out into the street, like a dove from the trap at a shooting tournament, and sprang lightly upon a passing street-car.

Miss Suffern did not at the moment seem disposed to enlarge upon this theme; and after an interval of silence Mrs. Lidcote suddenly resumed: "Do they know I'm here, by the way?" The effect of her question was to produce in Miss Suffern an exaggerated access of peering and frowning. She twitched the tea-things about, fingered her bugles, and, looking at the clock, exclaimed amazedly: "Mercy!

Lastly, she dropped a handkerchief, which she easily recovered by the simple expedient of hanging head downwards, suspended by one foot, and then galloped out of the ring, amid the frantic applause of Cunjee. "Could you do that, Norah?" laughed Mr. Linton. "Me?" said Norah amazedly; "me? Oh, fancy me ever thinking I could ride a bit!"

"Where am I and who are you?" asked Bernardine, amazedly, sitting bolt upright on the wooden settee, and staring in wonder up at the hard face looking down into her own.

One that boasted the widest area in days when it must be hoed for the advantage of potatoes insanely planted there, was now a plot so tiny that the returned wanderer, amazedly staring at it, abandoned all effort to make it occupy its old place in his memory. North and south were dozens of strange, prim houses to puzzle up the streets. The street-signs, another innovation, were truly needed.

Dobbin, fairly astonished, lifted up his hollow-eyed head and looked amazedly at the white songstress whose scarlet sash and neck-ribbons gleamed in such vivid contrast to the foliage about her.

She glanced at a tiny diamond-set watch-bracelet on her wrist "How late it is! nearly all the morning gone! I have kept you so long listening to my talk forgive me! I will run away now and leave you to think about my 'intervals' of happiness, will you? they are so few compared to yours!" "Mine?" he echoed amazedly. "Yes, indeed! yours!