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The parents, partial, eye their hopeful years; Anticipation forward points the view: The mother, wi' her needle an' her shears, Gars auld claes look amaist as weel's the new; The father mixes a' wi' admonition due.

It's just, said I, 'amaist as silly as our auld daft laird here and his gomerils o' sons, wi' his huntsmen and his hounds, and his hunting cattle and horns, riding haill days after a bit beast that winna weigh sax punds when they hae catched it." "You argued most admirably, Andrew," said I, willing to encourage him to get into the marrow of his intelligence; "and what said Pate?"

She raised her head, and spoke, but with a lowered tone, which was again gradually overcome by drowsiness, to which the fatigue of a day's journey on horseback had probably given unwonted occasion, "I dinna ken what makes me sae sleepy I amaist never sleep till my bonny Lady Moon gangs till her bed mair by token, when she's at the full, ye ken, rowing aboon us yonder in her grand silver coach I have danced to her my lane sometimes for very joy and whiles dead folk came and danced wi' me the like o' Jock Porteous, or ony body I had ken'd when I was living for ye maun ken I was ance dead mysell."

"And are we to part in this way," said Jeanie, "and you in sic deadly peril? O Effie, look but up, and say what ye wad hae me to do, and I could find in my heart amaist to say that I wad do't." "No, Jeanie," replied her sister after an effort, "I am better minded now.

"Troth, but we were chased," said Steenie, "by a spirit or something little better." "It was a man in white on horseback," said Edie, "for the soft grund that wadna bear the beast, flung him about, I wot that weel; but I didna think my auld legs could have brought me aff as fast; I ran amaist as fast as if I had been at Prestonpans."*

"An it like your honours," said old Edie, thrusting his white head from behind the screen, where he had been plentifully regaling himself with ale and cold meat "an it like your honours, I can tell ye something that will keep the Captain wi' us amaist as weel as the pouting Hear ye na the French are coming?" "The French, you blockhead?" answered Oldbuck "Bah!"

She raised her head, and spoke, but with a lowered tone, which was again gradually overcome by drowsiness, to which the fatigue of a day's journey on horseback had probably given unwonted occasion, "I dinna ken what makes me sae sleepy I amaist never sleep till my bonny Lady Moon gangs till her bed mair by token, when she's at the full, ye ken, rowing aboon us yonder in her grand silver coach I have danced to her my lane sometimes for very joy and whiles dead folk came and danced wi' me the like o' Jock Porteous, or ony body I had ken'd when I was living for ye maun ken I was ance dead mysell."

'An' if the folk at hame kenned this mair, dinna ye think the emigration wad be thrice what it is, Mr. Robert? Dinna ye think they wad risk the sea an' the strangers, to make a safe future for their bairns? Ay, surely. An' when I think o' the people treading one anither down over the edges o' thae three little islands, while a country as big as Europe stands amaist empty here' Mr.

It had amaist a douncome lang syne at the Reformation, when they pu'd doun the kirks of St. Andrews and Perth, and thereawa', to cleanse them o' Papery, and idolatry, and image worship, and surplices, and sic like rags o' the muckle hure that sitteth on seven hills, as if ane wasna braid eneugh for her auld hinder end.

It's just, said I, 'amaist as silly as our auld daft laird here and his gomerils o' sons, wi' his huntsmen and his hounds, and his hunting cattle and horns, riding haill days after a bit beast that winna weigh sax punds when they hae catched it." "You argued most admirably, Andrew," said I, willing to encourage him to get into the marrow of his intelligence; "and what said Pate?"