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There is not often anything so much like news in the Altrurian papers as the grounding of the Thrall yacht on the coast of the Seventh Region, and the incident has been treated and discussed in every possible phase by the editors and their correspondents.

These two ladies had given her most of her grammatical instruction in Altrurian, but there was a bright little girl who had enlarged her vocabulary more than either, in helping her about her housework, the mother having lent her for the purpose.

She was only too eager to explain, and she did it with so much volubility and at such great length that I, who am good for nothing till I have had my cup of coffee in the morning, almost perished of an elucidation which the Altrurian bore with the sweetest patience. When she gave him a chance to answer, at last, he said: "I shall be very happy to do what you wish, madam."

I will see the porter, as soon as I am up, and ask him not to mention the matter to any one, but, I confess, I don't like to take an apologetic tone with him; your conditions are so alien to ours that they will seem incredible to him, and he will think I am stuffing him." "I don't believe he will think that," said the Altrurian, "and I hope you won't find the case so bad as it seems to you.

Our life here makes us sure of the life there. At any rate, no externation of the supernatural, no objective miracle, has been wrought in our behalf. We have had faith to do what we prayed for, and the prescience of which I speak has been added unto us." The manufacturer asked, as the bereaved mother had asked: "And if I lived so, should I feel so?" Again the Altrurian answered: "Why not?"

We all laughed except the minister and the Altrurian; the manufacturer said: "Twenty-five years hence, the fellow who is going into business may pity the fellows who are pitying him for his hard fate now." "Very possibly, but not necessarily," said the banker.

The professor smiled, in asking the Altrurian: "Did your agricultural friends tell you anything of the little rural traffic in votes that they carry on about election time? That is one of the side means they have of making both ends meet." "I don't understand," said the Altrurian. "Why, you know, you can buy votes among our virtuous yeomen from two dollars up at the ordinary elections.

The Altrurian books are still rather sealed books to me, but they are delightful to the eye, all in large print on wide margins, with flexible bindings, and such light paper that you can hold them in one hand indefinitely without tiring. I must send you some with this, if I ever get my bundle of letters off to you.

Later, I understood, if they wished to take a wedding journey they could freely do so; but the first thing in their married life they must honor the Altrurian ideal of work, by which every one must live in order that every other may live without overwork.

They really have such a highway here, crossing the whole Altrurian continent, and uniting the circle of the Regionic capitals. As we travelled for a long time by the country roads on the beds of the old railways, I had no idea of this magnificent avenue, till one day my husband suddenly ran our van into the one leading up to the first capital we were to visit.