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And one morning, after saying Mass, he went out of the village. He took the opposite direction to the part where Captain Durand dwelt. But after following the high road for some time, sure that he was not being watched, he retraced his steps, quickly entered the little path, hedged with quicksets, which runs by the side of the gardens, and rapidly made the circuit of Althausen.

The bolder ones met his gaze with a blush: perhaps they too would have liked, just as the little children, to receive a caress from the handsome Curé of Althausen. But he passed on without ever stopping, answering their timid salutations with an almost frigid gravity. He acted wisely. He was full of distrust of himself, and kept himself in prudent reserve in face of the enemy.

That evening, contrary to his usual custom, the Curé of Althausen had coffee served after dinner, and told his servant to lay two cups. You have asked somebody then? she enquired. Yes, replied Marcel, I ask you, Veronica. The woman smiled.

I must leave Althausen, I will pass her on to my successor, but I do not want to have an enemy behind me. If you have my secret, you old hypocrite, I will have yours, and I will know what there is at the bottom of your bag of iniquity. "To thee I wish to confide this secret, Speak of it to no-one, we must be discreet They love too much to laugh in this unbelieving age."

The Curé of Althausen was reputed to be chaste. Was he so really? To tell the truth, I never believed him so; at thirty men are not chaste; they may try to be so; they rarely succeed. However that might be, he was a singular man.

Do not cry out, saintly souls, virtuous prelates, gentle apostles, frank and rosy curates, but let him among you who is without any of his sins, rise up and cast the first stone at the Curé of Althausen. "The man tries in vain, he must yield to his nature: A woman excites him untying her girdle." Eight days had passed away.

For it was really she, the mountebank's daughter, whom he had seen a few weeks before, dancing in the market-place of Althausen. By what chance was she still in the neighbourhood, this travelling swallow?

More than ever: but he thought by this time that if there are reconciliations with heaven, there were none such with his maid-servant, and that to rid himself of her, he must first quit Althausen. Suzanne from time to time could come to Nancy, and it was much more easy and less perilous for him to contrive interviews with her there, than in that village where they were spied upon by all.

I will send one of those brutes of whom I have just been speaking. Well, go; you can tell the Abbé Ridoux that you will have the cure. Come again to-morrow. I even think it will be useless for you to return to Althausen. "I turned my head and I saw a number of the dead in living bodies.

Is it not Monsieur l'Abbé Gaudinet? said Marcel rising. Ah, cried the former, Monsieur le Curé of Althausen, I think? It was the Secretary, and he aspired, as may be remembered, to the envied post of curate at St. Nicholas. He thought to obtain the good graces of Ridoux by rendering a service to Marcel. Monseigneur is really too much engaged, said he, but I will obtain admittance for you anyhow.