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Unless he could produce more feed, Percy saw that the farm would soon be overstocked, for some colts were growing and eight cows were now giving milk. His hope was in the clover, but as the fall came on the red clover was found to have failed almost completely, and the alsike was one-half a stand.

10 acres of soy beans for seed 80 acres of wheat 20 acres of red clover for hay 20 acres of alsike for seed 20 acres of red clover for seed 20 acres of alsike for pasture, except from June to August. We also have some permanent pasture which we may use at any time that may seem best. If necessary we may cut all the clover for hay the fourth year, and we may pasture all summer the sixth year.

As the red clover had been seeded on the unlimed strip there was no way of knowing whether the limestone had even benefited the alsike. The neighbors had "seen just as good clover without putting on any of that stuff." There were no apples, but the spraying had cost as much as ever, and some team work had been hired.

The second six years is to be a repetition of the first, except that the alsike and red clover will be interchanged, so as to avoid the development of clover sickness if possible; and to keep the soil uniform we may interchange the oats with the peas and beans. This system provides for the following crops each year: 40 acres of corn; 20 acres of oats; 10 acres of cowpeas for hay

Oats were grown on No. 1 and on part of No. 2, yielding eleven bushels per acre. No. 3 yielded one-third of a ton of hay per acre. Wheat was grown on No. 4, and clover, the first the land had known in many years, if ever, was seeded in the spring, twenty acres of red clover and twenty of alsike.

There, in a field, we shall see something that even country people cannot see every day. The Clover which farmers usually sow is either the Red Clover or the White, or else another kind called Alsike. This year Mr. Hammond has sown a field with a fourth kind Crimson Clover. Did you ever see a more beautiful sight? The whole field is a blaze of rich crimson colour.

The king was so much struck by this proof that he became a Christian and ever since the Shamrock has been the emblem of Ireland. Now to fill out the history of the Clovers, I should tell you of the other three. The next is called Alsike, or the Pink Clover.

Still farther back lay the green of alsike and alfalfa, for the band of red and white cattle that roamed about the bluffs; but while the fodder crop was bountiful George had decided to supplement it with the natural prairie hay. There was no pause in his exertions; task followed task in swift succession.

Except for a small forty-acre tract, the Gillis land was dry farmed. The forty was irrigated from a spring developed on the premises. It was in alfalfa. Other meadows raised timothy mixed with alsike. Even in unfavorable years, the ranch yielded more than a hundred and fifty tons of hay. Besides hay, a lot of oats and barley was produced.

Manure may be applied to any part of this field from the time of wheat harvest the previous year until the close of the pasture period. Then it may be applied to the alsike only until the red clover seed crop is removed, and then again to any part of the field, which may also be used for fall pasture.