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''Tis the young Alroy, whispered Mustapha, who had not at first recognised him; 'he they call their Prince; a most headstrong youth. My lord, we had better proceed. 'The young Alroy! I mark him. They must have a prince too! The young Alroy! Well, let us away, and, dog! shouted Alschiroch, rising in his stirrups, and shaking his hand with a threatening air, 'dog! remember thy tribute!

'He lives in faith; the pious ever prosper. 'A glorious dreamer! Though our moods are different, I ever loved him. And thyself? Thou art not what thou seemest. Tell me all. Jabaster's friend can be no common mind. Thy form has heralded thy fame. Trust me. 'I am Alroy. 'What! the Prince of our Captivity? 'Even so. 'The slayer of Alschiroch? 'Ay! 'My sympathy was prophetic.

Behold! from out the woods a tur-baned man rushes, and seizes the leader of the chorus. Her companions fly on all sides, Miriam alone is left in the arms of Alschiroch.

'Gentle Rachel, I fear I trouble you; sweet Beruna, I thank you for your zeal. I am better now; the shock was great. These are strange tidings, maidens. 'Yes, dear lady! who would have thought of your brother turning out a Captain? 'I am sure I always thought he was the quietest person in the world, said Beruna, 'though he did kill Alschiroch.

He was attended only by a single running footman, an Arab, a detested favourite, and notorious minister of his pleasures. 'Dog! exclaimed the irritated Alschiroch, 'art thou deaf, or obstinate, or both? Are we to call twice to our slaves? Unlock that gate! 'Wherefore? inquired Alroy. 'Wherefore! By the holy Prophet, he bandies questions with us!

You have not slain him! He sleeps, he is afraid. He mimics death that we may leave his side, and he may rise again in safety. Girls, look to him. David, you do not answer. Brother, dear brother, surely he has swooned! I thought he had fled. Bear water, maidens, to that terrible man. I dare not look upon him. 'Away! I'll look on him, and I'll triumph. Dead! Alschiroch dead!

Alroy rushed to the gate, but the massy lock was slow to open; and ere he could succeed, the fiery steed had borne Alschiroch beyond pursuit.

His highness would fain walk his horse through the burial-ground of thy excellent people, as he is obliged to repair, on urgent matters, to a holy Santon, who sojourns on the other side of the hill, and time presses. 'If this be our Lord Alschiroch, thou doubtless art his faithful slave, Mustapha. 'I am, indeed, his poor slave. What then, young master?

The descendant of David, and the slayer of Alschiroch, had double claims upon their confidence and allegiance, and the flower of the Hebrew youth in the neighbouring cities of the Caliphate repaired in crowds to pay their homage to the recovered sceptre of Solomon.

'O Time, great Time! the world belies thy fame. It calls thee swift. Methinks thou art wondrous slow. Fly on, great Time, and on thy coming wings bear me my sceptre! 'All is to be. It is a lowering thought. My fancy, like a bright and wearied bird, will sometimes flag and fall, and then I am lost. The young King of Karasmé, a youthful hero! Would he had been Alschiroch!