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"Ye ken what fowk says till her guideship o' her son?" "Yes; put tat will pe ta lies of ta peoples. Ta peoples wass always telling lies." "Weel, allooin', it 's a peety ye sudna ken, supposin' him to be hers, hoo sma' fowk hauds the chance o' his bein' a Stewart, for a' that!" "She 'll not pe comprestanding you," said Duncan, bewildered.

"A body micht hae a chance," she asked with meditative suggestion, "allooin' 'at she did forget him whiles?" "Nae doot, lassie. The nations that forget God are them that dinna care, that never fash their heids, or their herts aither, aboot him them that were never called, never chosen." Annie's trouble returned like a sea-wave that had only retired to gather strength.

"Hoo am I temptin' at her, mem?" "That's plain to half an e'e. Ir ye no lattin' her live believin' a lee? Ir ye no allooin' her to gang on as gien she was somebody mair nor mortal, when ye ken she's nae mair Marchioness o' Lossie nor ye're the son o' auld Duncan MacPhail? Faith, ye ha'e lost trowth gien ye ha'e gaint the warl' i' the cheenge o' forbeirs!" "Mint at naething again the deid, mem.

"But allooin', hoo sud that affec' my bargain wi' you Mr. Henderson? Siller i' the pooch canna tak obligation frae the back." "Drivin' things to the wa', nae doobt!" returned the farmer. "I micht certainly hae ta'en the law o' ye, failin' yer appearance. But amo' freen's, that cudna be; an' 'deed, Mr. Warlock, gien a body wad be captious, michtna he say it wad hae been mair freen'ly to beg aff?"

'That canna be, Kirsty and it's no like ye to blaw! Your father was a common so'dier and his was cornel o' the regiment! 'Allooin! was all Kirsty's answer. Phemy betook herself to entreaty. 'Lat me gang, Kirsty! Please! I'll gang doon o' my knees til ye! I canna bide him to think I've played him fause. 'He'll play you fause, my lamb, whatever ye du or he think!

"Weel, but allooin' that, ye sudna gar fowk lauch, wi' a bonnie flooer, but ridickleous for the size o' 't, 'cep' ye gie 't room. A kirk's ower little for't." "Ye're richt there, my dawtie. And I haena been to the kirk ava'. I hae been to the hills." "And what got ye there?" "I got this upo' the road hame." "But what got ye there?" "Weel, I got the blue lift." "And what was that to ye?"

"Na, na, Jean," interposed the farmer, "they wad tak care o' themsel's to the last, an' aye haud to the dryest, jist as ye wad yersel'." "Allooin'," said the stranger, replying to Jean, yet speaking rather as if to herself, while she thought about something else, "I wad raither droon soomin' nor tied by the heid. But what's the guid o' doctrine whaur there's onything to be dune?

Sae, allooin' the thing maun be, ye'll hae till alloo likewise, an' it's a trouth I'm tellin' ye, sir, 'at it's o' nae sma' consequence to the toon 'at the drucken craturs sud fill themsels wi' dacency an' that's what I see till.

His chief grievance, however, was against the chairman for "allooin' sic a disorderly pack o' loons tae disturb respectable fowk," for he could not hide the fact that he had been made to break through his accustomed defence line of immovable silence. I suggested, conversing with him next day upon the matter, that Bill was probably only chaffing.