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Eddy's juggling with words, all her assertions of the goodness of all and the allness of good, do not help her to get rid of evil.

Put in that extreme form, this problem, like the one with which we have just dealt, arises from the erroneous assertion of the allness of God; but as the whole subject of the reality of evil will come up for treatment at a later stage, we need not now enter into its discussion.

There is no real Divine Immanence which does not imply the allness of God."

Yet when my soul on thee doth call And thou dost answer out of everywhere, I in thy allness have my perfect share. While he read Rachel crept to his knee, knelt down, and laid her head upon it.

Such a doctrine can only mean that the Divine Substance, under a myriad-fold variety of appearances, is equally diffused through all creation, like the universal ether of science; and such a conception of the Eternal, whatever else it may be, ceases ipso facto to be religiously helpful. The counterpart of the theoretical allness would be the practical nothingness of God.

If we are to be able to believe in either a universe or a humanity which, though the scene of Divine immanence, are not identical with God, it seems to us that such a view of creation as we have just propounded is inevitable; and unless this non-identity can be maintained unless, that is to say, we definitely repudiate the idea of the "allness" of God religion itself is reduced to a misty and ineffective theosophy.

"All is God, and God is All," they exclaim, adding the doctrine of the Godness of all to that of the allness of God; the universe, in their view, is the one Divine and Eternal Being of which everything, including ourselves, is only a phase or partial manifestation; as it is the Divine life which pulses through us, so it is the Divine consciousness which our consciousness expresses, the Divine nature which acts through ours.

Yet when my soul on thee doth call And thou dost answer out of everywhere, I in thy allness have my perfect share. While he read Rachel crept to his knee, knelt down, and laid her head upon it.

Problems of this description are not solved by what Matthew Arnold called a want of intellectual seriousness; is it true, we ask, that the "mystical view of the Divine immanence" compels us to believe in the allness of God, and so to deny our individual existence? The answer is that this soi-disant "mystical view" is simply a distorted view of what immanence means.

This does not wipe out your identity instead it gives you a greater and grander identity. Instead of your sinking into a Nirvana of extinction of consciousness, your consciousness so enlarges as you unfold, that you will in the end feel your identity to be the identity of the Universe. Instead of your gaining Nothingness, you gain Allness.