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My yellow parrot was a Scotch adventurer, who came out to give lectures on poleetical economy to the Brazilians: and who, finding that they had no taste for moral science, had become a servant of all-work to the brotherhood. The Superior, Father Flynn, had recently arrived from Lisbon with unlimited powers.

Beatrice's station in society is not very exalted; she is a servant of all-work: she will dress your wife, your dinner, your children; she does beefsteaks and plain work; she makes beds, blacks boots, and waits at table; such, at least, were the offices which she performed in the fashionable establishment of the writer of this book: perhaps her history may not inaptly occupy a few pages of it.

Arthur, meanwhile, had a more delicate task to perform in extemporising the toilet of a maid-of- all-work. An ulster belonging to Tilbury supplied him with a dress, and by turning up the sleeves, and arranging his night-dress apron-wise over the front, he managed to give a fair idea of the kind of character he aimed to personate.

They would shut up some of the rooms, take one servant of all-work, and Isabel would be nursery-maid herself. 'We may do quite as well as the carpenter's wife, she said; 'she has more children and less income, and yet always seems to me the richest person whom I know. James groaned, and turned his face away.

"In short, doing very much what Mrs. Robinson's little maid of all-work does down in the kitchen here." "Oh, dear, dear!" exclaimed Agnes; "if those are a nurse's duties, you won't catch me going in for that sort of profession." "It's awfully interesting," said Effie. "I have, of course to begin at the bottom, but I like it very much." While she was speaking, there came a knock at the door.

Although when life was simpler it was somewhat easier than it is now to conduct a house with such assistance as may be offered by a maid-of- all-work, it was necessary even then for the ladies of the house to do some portion of the lighter domestic work. It is a very good plan, when there are several daughters in the family, to take turns each to test her talent as a house-keeper and organizer.

Church again, high tea, and evenings again pleasingly varied by choir practices, night schools, or silence, while grandpapa concocts his sermon. B. Is this the easy life to which Mrs. Moldwarp has retired? C. It is her native element. People of her generation think it their vocation to be ladies-of-all-work to the parish of Stickinthemud cum-Humdrum. B. All-work indeed!

Inquiries were made, and it was found that the maid-of- all-work, finding what she conceived to be a bundle of waste paper on the floor, had used it to light the kitchen and parlor fires with! Such was the answer returned to Mr. Carlyle; and his feelings can be imagined. There was, however, no help for him but to set resolutely to work to rewrite the book; and he turned to it and did it.

So he hunted about and made inquiries of friends who were supposed to know, and finally submitted to the company a certain screaming farce, entitled, After You! with so the description informed him two funny old gentlemen, one low comedian, two funny old ladies, and one maid-of- all-work, besides a few walking gentlemen and others.

The gardens, the cottages, and cabins nearly all showed some external signs of the embellishing hand of woman. Entering one of these houses, we found the men and young women out gathering the harvest. An elderly woman acted as our hostess. She was maid of all-work, a chamber-maid, cook, dairy-woman, laundress, and children's nurse; and yet she found time to make us a cordial welcome.