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Until the day before yesterday, his detachment here at Sant' Alessina from ordinary human society, the absence of people more or less of his own sort, had been one of the elements of his situation which he had positively, consciously, rejoiced in, had been an appreciable part of what he had summarized to Lady Blanchemain as "the whole blessed thing."

"A man isn't allowed to have two wives, unless he is a king. He may have two sisters or two daughters, but not two wives or two mothers. There was once a king named Salomone who had a thousand wives, but even he had only one mother, I think. I hope you will live at Sant' Alessina after your marriage. Will you?"

Mischenau is a place worth seeing, in its northern style. And, in his northern style, my brother is a man worth meeting. I counsel you to go." "I shall certainly go," said John. "I shall linger here at Sant' Alessina like a soul in durance, counting the hours till my release. I shall be particularly glad to meet your brother, as I have matters of importance to arrange with him."

He is one of those Utopians who believe that the present Kingdom of Italy must perforce before long make shipwreck; and I think he holds on to Sant' Alessina in the dream of coming here in triumph, and grandly celebrating that event." "I see," said John, nodding. "That is a beautiful ideal."

They suited him. They were loose and comfortable and unconventional, but they were beautifully fresh and well cared for, and showed him, if indifferent to the fashion-plate of the season, meticulous in a fashion of his own. "It's hard to imagine him dressed otherwise," she said, and instantly had a vision of him dressed for dinner. But what what what was he doing at Castel Sant' Alessina?

And as if that were not more than enough in the pavilion beyond the clock? Come, come! Mysterious!" "You are living in Lombardy, you are living at Castel Sant' Alessina, yourself," said Annunziata. "I hardly think so," said John. "You can scarcely with precision call this living this is rather what purists call sojourning.

As soon as you are strong enough to travel, you are coming to Austria to pay me a long visit. Then I will come back with you to Sant' Alessina. And then well, wherever I go you will always go with me. For of course I can never live happily again without you." "One moment, please," put in John. "Here is a small difficulty. I can never live happily without her, either.

The drive to Roccadoro from Sant' Alessina is a pleasant drive. The road follows for the most part the windings of the Rampio, so that you are seldom out of sight of its gleaming waters, and the brawl of it, now louder, now less loud, is perpetually in your ears.

'There's a young limb o' mischief with a sweet tooth at Sant' Alessina, I explained, 'who regularly levies blackmail upon me. I'm stealing this for her. And then the lady I was stealing from told me I might steal as much as ever I thought good." "Oh-h-h," said Annunziata, a long-drawn Oh of relief. "Then you didn't steal it she gave it to you."

To begin with, how does the Signora Brandi, being an Austrian, come by so characteristically un-Austrian a name? Is that mysterious? And in the next place, why does an Austrian Signora Brandi so far forget what is due to her nationality as to live, not in Austria, but in Lombardy? And as if that were not enough at Castel Sant' Alessina?