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The men fight by biting, squeezing, and butting with the head, like the Brazilian capoeira. The women have a truly horrible way of putting out of the world an obnoxious lover. Ask an Aku if an Ibo is capable of poisoning you: he will say emphatically, 'Yes. Put the same question to an Ibo touching an Aku, and he will not reply, 'No.

The main evidence in support of this theory is furnished by the names of the insurgent leaders Akuro-o, Akagashira, and Akahige. Ideographists point out that the character aku is frequently pronounced o, and with that reading the name "Akuro-o" becomes "Oro-o," which was the term used for "Russian."

Another paraded the deck in a flowing cotton-velvet dressing-gown with huge sleeves, and in bottines of sky-blue cloth. Even an Aku Moslem, who read his Koran, printed in Leipzig, and who should have known better, had mimicked Europeans in this most unbecoming fashion. Men of substance sported superfine Saxony with the broadest of silk-velvet collars; but the fit suggested second-hand finery.

A little before five my men are stirring and I get my tea. I do not state my escapade to them, but ask what those lights were. "Akom," said the Fan, and pointing to the shore of the lake where I had been during the night they said, "they came there, it was an 'Aku'" or devil bush. More than ever did I regret not having secured one of those sort of two phenomena.

Almost at once the mighty waves were calmed and the canoe went safely on its way surrounded by an area of calm, peaceful water while the storm raged on all sides a little distance away. Even today if you see a smooth area of water in the midst of a rough sea you will know that there is a school of aku or opelu very near the surface. So Paoa sailed safely through the storm.

In preparation for the long journey by canoe he took only three things with him: two kinds of fish the aku and opelu and some pili grass.

We used to come out with daddy for vacations and for week-ends and sort of camp out in a grass house that stood right where the Outrigger ladies serve tea now. And centipedes fell out of the thatch on us, while we slept, and we all ate poi and opihis and raw aku, and nobody wore much of anything for the swimming and squidding, and there was no real road to town.

And in the night-time Ahuna and I stole out on our journey, no one knowing whether we went to the right or left or up the valley toward its head. We carried jerky, and hard poi and dried aku, and from the quantity of the food I knew we were to be gone several days. Such a trail! And we did it in the dark!

'Aku constables will not, unless in extreme cases, take up their delinquent countrymen, nor will an Ebo constable apprehend an Ebo thief; and so on through all the different tribes, says the lady 'Resident of Sierra Leone. If the majority of the jury be Akus, they will unhesitatingly find the worst of Aku criminals innocent, and the most innocent of whites, Ibos, or Timnis guilty.

The Ibos, or 'Eboes' of American tales, are even more divided; still they feel and act upon the principle 'Union is strength. This large and savage tribe, whose headquarters are at Abo, about the head of the Nigerian delta, musters strong at Leone; here they are the Swiss of the community; the Kruboys, and further south the Kabenda-men being the 'Paddies. It is popularly said that while the Aku will do anything for money, the Ibo will do anything for revenge.