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This substance, when dry, is tolerably compact, and of little specific gravity: Professor Ehrenberg has examined it: he states "Konig Akad. der Wissen" Berlin February 1845, that it is composed of infusoria, including fourteen polygastrica and four phytolitharia.

Akad. 1912, p. 1102. I am indebted to Dr. Langdon for references to some of the treatises cited here and below. I cannot share the unfavourable view which is taken by Messrs. How and Wells, the latest good editors of Herodotus, of the views of these writers. Some of the streets of Babylon are much older than 600 B.C., but this point needs to be worked out further.

I brought away specimens of one of the tufaceous layers of a pinkish colour and it is a most extraordinary fact that Professor Ehrenberg finds it almost wholly composed of matter which has been organised; he detects in it some siliceous-shielded, fresh-water infusoria, and no less than twenty-five different kinds of the siliceous tissue of plants, chiefly of grasses. "Monats. der Konig. Akad. d.

MITSCHERLICH, Monatsberichte d. Kon. Preuss. Akad. d. Wissen, eu Berlin, and Rapports annuels da Berzelius, Paris, 1843, 3rd year.

Abhandlungen der Kön. Akad. der Wissenchaften. 1839. Berlin. 1841. The results of the Antarctic exploration, as stated by Dr.

In some of the red mud scraped from a tooth of one of the Mastodons at Gorodona, Professor Ehrenberg finds seven Polygastrica and thirteen Phytolitharia, all of them, I believe, with two exceptions, already known species. Akad. zu Berlin" April 1845. The list consists of: POLYGASTRICA. Campylodiscus clypeus. Coscinodiscus subtilis. Coscinodiscus al. sp. Eunotia. Gallionella granulata.

Akad. zu Berlin" April 1845: POLYGASTRICA. Fragilaria rhabdosoma. Gallionella distans. Pinnularia? PHYTOLITHARIA. Lithodontium Bursa. Lithodontium furcatum. Lithostylidium exesum. Lithostylidium rude. Lithostylidium Serra.

Monatsberichte d. K. Akad. In 1856, a very remarkable addition to our knowledge of the nature of the sea bottom in high northern latitudes was made by Professor Bailey of West Point. Still more complete information has been obtained concerning the nature of the sea bottom in the cold zone around the south pole.

Akad. der Wissenschaften, 1908. The Uigur text is published in Bibliotheca Buddhica, 1914. Mitra, Nepalese Buddhist Lit. pp. 90 ff. Ind. Lit. II. i. p. 242. Watanabe in J.R.A.S. 1911, 663 makes an equally definite statement as to the identity of the two works. Mitra, Nepalese Buddhist Lit. pp. 81 ff. See also Teitaro Suzuki, Outlines of Mahâyâna, p. 157.

On the question of authenticity, see Drachmann, loc. cit. Vollmer, Sitz. Bayer. Akad. 1907, 335, and Vergil's Apprenticeship, Class. These are but a few of the minor details that show Vergil in his youth a close reader of Catullus, and doubtless of Calvus, Cinna and Cornificius, who employed the same methods.