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And thus it seemed to me that all our troubles were over, for I doubted not but that General Herkimer could induce the savages to give up their prisoner, and we would soon be on our way home with Peter Sitz as a companion; but, instead, we were just at the beginning of our difficulties. The Powwow

"Ay, lad, an' I could be no more sorry if Peter Sitz was my brother; but we cannot now do anything to aid him, even though the way lay clear before us," and the old man laid his hand on Jacob's shoulder as if to give emphasis to the words. "We are to push on toward the fort, an' must not heed any other duty."

Here, when our captors had made certain we could not by any possibility escape, we were left alone with Peter Sitz, and his first question was as to why we had ventured within reach of the enemy.

The sitz bath ought to be continued for months, or until the complaint be removed. I cannot speak in too high praise of these baths. Do you advise me, every spring and fall, to give my child brimstone to purify and sweeten his blood, and as a preventive medicine? Certainly not; if you wish to take away his appetite, and to weaken and depress him, give brimstone!

Then he asked what the old soldier meant by wishing to be excused from duty, and the sergeant, in the fewest words possible, gave him an account of our proceedings since leaving the camp at Oriskany, concluding by saying: "There is no question but that Jacob Sitz will make his way through the Indian encampment, if it can be done by any person.

How this quickening of the faculties is engendered, and by what immediate action it is produced, I cannot explain, and invite others to test it by practice. I have in my own experience proved the sitz to be cogitatory, consolatory, quiescent, refrigeratory, revivificatory, or all these together. Thus far Mr. Lane. The Brause-bad is thus described by our old military friend:

Indian hemp, one dram; Fl. ext. snake root, four drams; spirits of camphor, two drams; compound spirits of ether, three ounces. Dose: One teaspoonful in water three times a day. Medicated hot sitz bath. OVARIAN CONGESTION: Black haw, sixty grains; Golden seal, sixty grains; Jamaica dogwood, thirty grains; syrup and water, four ounces. Dose: One teaspoonful three or four times a day.

Peter Sitz ceased speaking very suddenly, and I had not the courage to ask him how those prisoners suffered; I could imagine that they came to a most horrible end, and knew that my worst picturing of it would fall far short of the reality.

He performed the same office for Sergeant Corney, I aiding in the task before it was finished; but a good ten minutes elapsed before we had command of our limbs, and then it was that even Master Sitz began to believe it might be possible for us to escape from the encampment.

Then like a flash came to me that which I should have suspected before! It was my comrade for whom we had been searching that I was grappling with, and, just as the old soldier knelt by my side knife in hand to put an end to the struggle, I whispered, for the darkness was so intense that I could not even see the face which was but a few inches from my own: "Are you Jacob Sitz?" "Ay; an' you?"