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Boothby, Richard from his quarters at Hampton Court, Crags, Lord Barrington, Barker, Langlois, and myself. March went yesterday to Newmarket, and left a letter behind for me, to excuse him to the party; he returns on Thursday. Here is not one single soul in this house, but I came here to write to you plus a mon aise.

He was a favourite, too, with the French Queen.* Under date of February 10, 1764, the Earl of March writes to him from Fontainebleau: "The Queen asked Madame de Mirepoix si elle n'avoit pas beaucoup entendu me dire de Monsieur Selwyn et elle? Elle a repondu, oui, beaucoup, Madame. J'en suis bien aise, dit la Reine."

Still, a body would suppose that the high rogue ought to rest contented; but it's a hard thing they say to satisfy the cravin's of man's heart when pride, an' love of wealth an' power, get into it." "I'm not at all happy in my mind, Polly," observed her husband, meditatively; "I'm not at aise and I won't bear this state of mind much longer.

"'Are you ill, O'Grady? the colonel said, for I had to sit meself down on some steps and rock meself to and fro to aise meself. 'Is it sick ye are? 'A sudden pain has saised me, Colonel, says I, 'but I will be all right in a minute. 'Take a dram out of me flask, says he; something must have gone wrong wid ye. I took a drink " "That I may be sure you did," Terence interrupted.

And I've made me an illigant pig-sty, Well litter'd wid straw and wid hay; And it's there, free from noise of the chilther, I sleep in the heat of the day. It's there I'm intirely at aise, sir, And enjoy all the comforts of home; I stretch out my legs as I plase, sir, And dhrame of the pleasures to come.

"I don't want to prevent you from cryin' a colleen machree; for I know it will lighten an' aise your heart," said Honor; "but remimber your wakeness an' your poor health; an', Connor avourneen, don't you if you love her don't forget the state her health's in either." "Mother, mother, you know it's the last time I'll ever look upon my Una's face again," he exclaimed.

Judge Prency, an' she's comin' for it this afternoon; but I'm that sleepy that " Larry's head gently sought the wall again. "An' a very good woman she is, Larry. Brace up, my boy, why don't you, an' finish your work?" "Eh? Say 'Brace up' to somebody that's not got anythin' in him to brace him down. She kin wait for her shoe while I'm havin' my aise an' forgettin' all about work."

She felt his approaches, and dictated a letter to Walpole, bidding him, in her strange fashion, an infinitely restrained farewell: 'Divertissez-vous, mon ami, le plus que vous pourrez; ne vous affligez point de mon état, nous étions presque perdus l'un pour l'autre; nous ne nous devions jamais revoir; vous me regretterez, parce qu'on est bien aise de se savoir aimé. That was her last word to him.

The talk then fell upon the possibility of friendship existing between men and women without sooner or later degenerating, on one part or the other, into love. The French rhymster sings "Trop tot, hélas, l'amour s'enflamme, Et je sens qu'il est mal aisé; Que l'ami d'une belle dame, Ne soit un amant déguisé." My father came in while the ladies were still here, and Mrs.

Yes, and when all is over, then my mind will be at aise; this black thing that's inside o' me for years drivin' me on, on, on will go about his business; and then, plaise goodness, I can repent comfortably and like a Christian. Oh, dear me! my head!" At length the important morning, fraught with a series of such varied and many-colored events, arrived.