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When we can spare the contragravity, we're going to drop something on the Kee-geek embassy, over in town." Von Schlichten grimaced, but he'd expected something like it. He told M'zangwe about King Kankad's offer. "His crowd ought to be coming in in a couple of hours. What can you scrape up to send to Kankad's Town to airlift Kragans in?"

A majority of overland movement was provided by Saudi Arabian civilian trucks and drivers, and the Army had neither the resources nor the responsiveness to activate reserve forces needed to meet the truck and rail support requirements of our military forces. As a result, costly airlift was used to move forces that should have traveled by land and sea.

So they're doing what they can to keep the world as it's always been equipped with just one moon and many armies. And they're doing plenty, if you ask me!" "I've heard " began Joe. "You haven't heard the half of it," said the co-pilot. "The Air Transport has lost nearly as many planes and more men on this particular airlift than it did in Korea while that was the big job.

We honor their contributions, including those who are carrying out the longest humanitarian airlift in history in Bosnia those who will complete their mission in Somalia this year and their brave comrades who gave their lives there.

The alternative sea, land, and space lift requirements can be postulated; however, if the Navy, Army, or Air Force do not satisfy those sea, land, and space lift requirement, then there is a shortfall which will in turn generate a need for more airlift!

Thus we have doubled the number of ready combat divisions in the Army's strategic reserve increased our troops in Europe built up the Marines added new sealift and airlift capacity modernized our weapons and ammunition expanded our anti-guerrilla forces and increased the active fleet by more than 70 vessels and our tactical air forces by nearly a dozen wings.

The entire area was quarantined, and daily the quarantine was extended. No plane could land and take off again. No ship could enter and leave. An airlift of supplies dropped by parachute was being organized. Bacteriologists and doctors jetted to the area were dying with the rest, caught in disease for which there was no answer.

The Soviet effort to capture Berlin by blockade was thwarted by the courageous Allied airlift. An independent and democratic Japan has been brought back into the community of free nations. In the Far East, the tactics of communist imperialism have reached heights of violence unmatched elsewhere and the problem of concerted action by the free nations has been at once more acute and more difficult.

Chiang's resistance against the invaders became less effective after the Japanese occupied all of China's ports; supplies could reach China only in small quantities by airlift or via the Burma Road. There was also the belief that Japan could be defeated only by an attack on Japan itself and that this would have to be undertaken by the Western powers, not by China.

The second wave of Kankad's improvised airlift, reenforced by contragravity from Konkrook, had come in; there were now close to two thousand fresh Kragans on Gongonk Island and the mainland farms, Kankad himself with them. The Aldebaran had reached Kankad's Town, and was loading another thousand Kragans.... There was nothing more from Keegark.