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Air in the cells of plants, its various uses How Mr. Day probably lost his life in his diving-ship Air-bladders of fish Star-gelly is voided by Herons Intoxicating mushrooms Mushrooms grow without light, and approach to animal nature Seeds of Tillandsia fly on long threads, like spiders on the gossamer Account of cotton mills Invention of letters, figures, crotchets Mrs. Delany's and Mrs.

They use this not only in the abnormal circumstances of their being under microscopical observation, but at all times, as may be known by our being always able to find some specimens with air-bladders at the top of the water in which they live."

Four males, one female. The lower leaves of this plant grow under water, and are divided into minute capillary ramifications; while the upper leaves are broad and round, and have air-bladders in their footstalks to support them above the surface of the water.

The Irish fisher-folk also gather the common brown seaweed with pods, which are really air-bladders, and serve to keep it afloat.

The air-bladders of fish are nicely adapted to their intended purpose; for though they render them buoyant near the surface without the labour of using their fins, yet, when they rest at greater depths, they are no inconvenience, as the increased pressure of the water condenses the air which they contain into less space.

See ulva labyrinthi-formis Lin. Spec. Plant. The air contained in these cells was found by Dr. Priestley to be sometimes purer than common air, and sometimes less pure; the air-bladders of fish seem to be similar organs, and serve to render them buoyant in the water.

It floated on the surface of the water by means of these air-bladders, which are attached to it." The varieties of the nautili have the same property of floating on the surface of the water, but they seldom are found many miles from land.