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If only he could slip her over just far enough to clear the outstretched limbs of the tree to the right. At such a time seconds must be divided into hundredths, and action must be instantaneous, instinctive, and without flaw. McGee felt one of the spreading limbs brush against his right wing tip, felt the plane swerve for a moment, then respond to rudder and aileron.

With left aileron down, the lift of the left wing is increased, and it tips up; at the same time the lift of the right wing is decreased, and it sags down. In that way the airplane is tipped up for a bank. These ailerons, wing sections, really, are controlled by a device known as the joy-stick in the cockpit. We have seen how an airplane is made to tip and turn.

It is I, Lacroix, who am alone veritable king of the air!" Coquin de sort! I do not know exactly when the wire controlling the right aileron parted. I became aware merely that that side of the machine canted downward and refused to rise again in response to the lever. Like a flash, I thrust forward the elevator, hoping to reach the earth by a glide.

Only lucky shots that might pierce the fuel tank, hit the engine, touch an aileron or an important stay or strut, could affect the machine, while in due course of time a light armour on the bottom of the fusillage or body of the machine in which the pilot sat, protected the operator to some degree. Other considerations, however, finally led to the rejection of armour.

The one shell from the destroyer that had struck her had done no more than graze the tip of the starboard aileron, inflicting damage of no material consequence. It could easily be repaired. For the present, all danger of any interference from any civilized power seemed to be at an end.

As she spoke again she rose and came to the table. He said: "It must have been cannon that I heard. Because, not long afterward, out of the fog came a great aëroplane rushing inland from the sea flying swiftly above me right over me! and staggering like a wounded duck it had one aileron broken and sheered away into the fog, northward, Marie-Josephine."

Out upon the other, on hands and knees, clinging desperately to the aileron brace, was the hatless, water-soaked figure of a man. As they came closer still they could see him waving his hand frantically at them. With a glass, Paul saw that this person was Oliver Torrey. Anxiously his eyes roved over the wreck in quest of other survivors, but none could he discern.

As the gyroscopic wheel remains level it causes the aileron on the right side to change to a negative angle, while at the same time giving a positive angle to the aileron on the left side, which would, as a result, depress the right side, and bring the frame of the machine back to a horizontal position.

While it may be more difficult to adjust the pendulum, so that it does not affect the planes by too rapid a swing, or an oscillation which is beyond the true angle desired, still, these are matters which, in time, will make the pendulum a strong factor in lateral stability. Simple Pendulum Stabilizer. It is an exceedingly simple matter to attach the lead wires from an aileron to the pendulum.

One bullet cut the left central support of my upper wing in half, an explosive bullet cut in half the left guiding rod of the left aileron, and I was momentarily stunned by part of it which dug a nasty gouge into my left cheek.