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Nevertheless his period is one of the great disputed questions of early Irish history. According to the express testimony of his Life, corroborated by testimony of the Lives of SS. Ailbhe and Ciaran, he preceded St. Patrick in the Irish mission and was a co-temporary of the national apostle.

Columba asks no questions he knows what has taken place, and commends the obedient piety of the brother who had sheltered and tended the wanderer. Another saint, Ailbhe, had a different kind of intercourse with certain cranes. They went about in a large body, destroying the corn in the neighbourhood, and would not be dispersed.

Ibar which is very fragmentary and otherwise a rather unsatisfactory document. The Lives of Ailbhe, Ciaran, and Declan are however mutually corroborative and consistent. The Roman visit and the alleged tutelage under Hilarius are probably embellishments; they look like inventions to explain something and they may contain more than a kernel of truth.

"I will not offend the Lord," said he. His house is in the northeastern angle of the southern Deise; its name is Cill-Malaich. Five persons can never be supported there. Patrick afterwards commanded Bishops Ibar and Ailbhe to resuscitate the boy; and he prayed the Lord with them. The boy was afterwards resuscitated through Patrick's prayers.

Much evidence not available in Lanigan's day is now at the service of scholars. We are to look rather at the reasoning of Colgan, Ussher, and Lanigan than to the mere weight of their names. Ibar which is very fragmentary and otherwise a rather unsatisfactory document. The Lives of Ailbhe, Ciaran, and Declan are however mutually corroborative and consistent.

Nevertheless his period is one of the great disputed questions of early Irish history. According to the express testimony of his Life, corroborated by testimony of the Lives of SS. Ailbhe and Ciaran, he preceded St. Patrick in the Irish mission and was a co-temporary of the national apostle.

The boy subsequently preached to the hosts and multitudes in Patrick's presence. Ailill and his wife thereupon believed; and all the Ui-Cuanach believed, and were baptized in that place. And the seat of the four i.e., of Patrick, Ailbhe, Bishop Ibar, and the young boy is in the place where the boy was resuscitated. His father said: "God cures by the hand of the physician."

Ailbhe however is referred to in the Tripartite Life of Patrick and the cases of Ailbhe and Declan are "a pari"; the two saints stand or fall together. It is hard to see however how resistance to the claims in question could be better justified on the theory of a pre-Patrician Declan, who admittedly acknowledged Patrick's supremacy, than on the admission of a post-Patrician mission.

Possibly the best way to present the question of Declan's age is to put in tabulated form the arguments of the pre-Patrician advocates against the counter contentions of those who claim that Declan's period is later than Patrick's: For the Pre-Patrician Mission. I. Positive statement of Life, corroborated by Lives of SS. Ciaran and Ailbhe.

Ailbhe however is referred to in the Tripartite Life of Patrick and the cases of Ailbhe and Declan are "a pari"; the two saints stand or fall together. It is hard to see however how resistance to the claims in question could be better justified on the theory of a pre-Patrician Declan, who admittedly acknowledged Patrick's supremacy, than on the admission of a post-Patrician mission.