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Peter was so simple that in his presence Gourlay felt secure; and he used to banter him. "The folk at the Cross winna expect the carriers till aicht, sir," said Peter, "and I doubt their stuff won't be ready." "Ay, man, Peter," Gourlay joked lazily, as if Peter was a little boy. "Ay, man, Peter. You think the folk at the Cross winna be prepared?"

You look very nice always, answered Gladys truthfully, and the sincere compliment pleased Liz, though she did not say so. 'Well, look, it's ten meenits past aicht. We were to meet Teen in the Trongate at the quarter. We'll need to turn back. 'And where will we go after that? inquired Gladys. 'The shops are beginning to shut. 'You'll see. We've a ploy on. I want to gie ye a treat.

'I was oot a' Tuesday nicht, an' when I cam' in, on the back o' eleeven, she was aff, bag an' baggage. Mrs. Turnbull says she gaed doon the stair wi' her Sunday claes on, an' carryin' her tin box, a wee efter aicht. "Are ye for jauntin', Liz?" says she; but Liz never gi'ed her an answer, guid or bad, an' that's a' I ken. 'Did she never give a hint that she was thinking of going? Walter asked.

Peter took a great old watch, with a yellow case, from his fob, and, "It wants a while o' aicht, sir," he volunteered. "Ay, man, Peter, and what of that?" said Gourlay. There was almost a twinkle in his eye. Peter Riney was the only human being with whom he was ever really at his ease. It is only when a mind feels secure in itself that it can laugh unconcernedly at others.

'Maybe I've had twa-three o' a kind. 'Two or three? echoed Gladys in a surprised and rather disapproving voice. 'That is very odd. But, tell me, have you ever seen anybody who wished to marry you, and whom you wished to marry? 'There was a lad asked me yince, answered Teen, 'but he was only seventeen a prentice in Tennant's, wi' aicht shillin's a week. I've never had a richt offer.