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"He came out of the isle ten days ago, nigh on to evening, and drove off a cow of mine and four sheep, which was all my living, noble knights, save these pots." "And where is he since?" "In the isle, my lords, wellnigh starved, and his folk falling away from him daily from hunger and ague-fits. I doubt if there be a hundred sound men left in Ely." "Have you been in thither, then, villain?"

See Sect. XXIX. 11. and XXXV. 1. 3. where this act of vomiting is further explained. The small pulse, which is said by some writers to be slow at the commencement of ague-fits, and which is frequently trembling and intermittent, is owing to the quiescence of the heart and arterial system, and to the resistance opposed to the circulating fluid from the inactivity of all the glands and capillaries.

It was a question with Petrarch, whether he should not turn away from the pursuit of literary fame, by giving another direction to his life. "I went one day to John of Florence in one of those ague-fits of faint-heartedness which often happened to me; he received me with his accustomed kindness.

Suddenly Sir Richard turned to stare up at me, wild-eyed and trembling, as in one of his ague-fits. "Enough, Martin!" he gasped. "God forgive me, I ha' done enough and here's the wind at last!" Seeing this indeed was so, I sprang to loose out the reefs, which done, I saw the enemy's boat lie wallowing in the trough and never so much as an oar stirring.

Pain in the back at the commencement of ague-fits, and the head-achs which attend feeble people, are pains from defect of stimulus, and are hence relieved by opium, essential oils, spirit of wine.

The last link of the broken chain of actions becomes connected with the new motion which has broken it, or with that which was nearest the link omitted; and these new catenations proceed instead of the old ones. Hence the periodic returns of ague-fits, and the chimeras of our dreams. If a train of actions is dissevered, much effort of volition or sensation will prevent its being restored.

And since that night I've lost my wits, And I shake with ceaseless ague-fits: For the ghosts they turned me cold as stone, On that New Year's night when the white moon shone, And I walked on my watch, all, all alone Poor me! And, oh, when I lie in my coffin-bed, Heap thick the earth above my head!

Ague-fits. Syncope. 2. Increase the stimulation, by wine, opium, given so as not to intoxicate. Cheerful ideas. 3. Change the kinds of stimulus. 4. Stimulate the associated organs. Blisters of use in heart-burn, and cold extremities. 5. Decrease the stimulation for a time, cold bath. 6. Decrease the stimulation below natural, and then increase it above natural. Bark after emetics.

I have twice seen a gouty inflammation of the liver, attended with jaundice; the patients after a few days were both of them affected with cold fits, like ague-fits, and their feet became affected with gout, and the inflammation of their livers ceased.

Hence during the time of fighting with fists or swords no pain is felt by the combatants, till they cease to exert themselves. Thus in the beginning of ague-fits the painful sensation of cold is diminished, while the patient exerts himself in the shivering and gnashing of his teeth.