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Next year I shift into the long agric. course." "Goodness!" exclaimed Lydia, "I don't see what you want to study to be a farmer for. I should think you'd want to be something classy like a lawyer or or something." "Lots of folks think the same way, but I believe a farmer's the most independent man in the world. And that's what I want to be, independent call no man boss."

Whilst he accorded to the powerful of the earth, who were to him representatives of force, a respect full of irony, he proclaimed the supreme consolation the recourse to the Father which each one has in heaven and the true kingdom of God, which each one bears in his heart. De Confus. Ling., § 14; De Migr. Abr., § 1; De Somniis, ii. § 41; De Agric. Noë, § 12; De Mutatione Nominum, § 4.

Abraham, § 1; Quod Deus immut., § 6; De confus. ling., § 9, 14 and 28; De profugis, § 20; De Somniis, i. § 37; De Agric. The comparisons which have been made between it and the Honover of the Parsees are also without foundation. The comparisons which have been attempted between the Alexandrian theory of the Word and certain points of Egyptian theology may not be entirely without value.

During the present year, large quantities of Indian corn have been used as domestic fuel, and even for burning lime, in Iowa and other Western States. Corn at from fifteen to eighteen cents per bushel is found cheaper than wood at from five to seven dollars per cord, or coal at six or seven dollars per ton.-Rep. Agric. Dept., Nov. and Dec., 1872, p. 487.

Make an issue on the inside of each leg, four inches below the knee, and then make lozenges of two scruples of agric, half a scruple each of wild carrot seed and ligne aloes; three drachms of washed turpentine, and make a bolus with a conserve of flowers.