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The native dress for men and women alike is the cloth or paun. The men wear it by rolling the upper line round the waist, and in addition they frequently wear a singlet or a flannel shirt worn MORE AFRICANO, flowing free. Rich men will mount a European coat and hat, and men connected with the mission or trading stations occasionally wear trousers.

Pieces of the choicest white Parian, squares of speckled Egyptian porphyry, of verde, rosso and giallo antico, of the coal-black Africano, all wet and glistening from the waves, can be picked up by the quick-sighted, and the gathering of these beautiful trifles, cut and polished by skilled hands nearly two thousand years ago, makes an interesting occupation.

Dirty yellows, cloudy reds, dim blues and purples, occur in the ground or in the round or waved blotches or crooked veins. It has a fine grain and a dull fracture. This variety of Africano is known by the familiar name of Porta Santa, from the circumstance that the jambs and lintel of the first Porta Santa a Holy Door annexed by Boniface VIII. to St.

This remarkable picture of Caesar's method of enforcing discipline is described by a person who was evidently present; and it may be taken as a correction to the vague stories of his severity to these officers which are told by Dion Cassius. To Atticus, xi. 7. Citizens. Where the African coast turns south from Cape Bon. "Animum enim altum et erectum prae se gerebat." De Bello Africano.

Vere had eagerly questioned him, and he, speaking with vehemence in the heat of his recollection, had brought before her a picture of that scene in his simple life; had shown her how he lay, and how the Padrone lay, he listening, the Padrone, book in hand, reading about the "mago africano."

"Because if one has a wife one is not free." "Hm!" "If I had a wife I should be like the Mago Africano when he was shut up in the box." "And I?" Maurice said, suddenly sitting up. "What about me?" For the first time it seemed to occur to Gaspare that he was speaking to a married man. He sat up, too. "Oh, but you you are a signore and rich. It is different. I am poor.

They do this very cleverly, but shortsightedly, more Africano, for they spoil the tempers of half the white men whom they have to deal with. It is not necessary to treat them brutally, in fact it does not pay to do so, but it is necessary to treat them severely, to keep a steady hand over them. Never let them become familiar, never let them see you have made a mistake.

He had even told Vere of their conversation afterwards, and how he had said that he would always be free, that he would never be "stoppered up," like the "mago africano."

Between Carthage and Utica. De Bella Africano, c. 54. This remarkably interesting narrative is attached to Caesar's Commentaries. The author is unknown. The battle of Thapsus, the final breaking up of the senatorial party, and the deaths of its leaders, were supposed to have brought an end at last to the divisions which had so long convulsed the Empire. Rome put on its best dress.

Its ancient name is Marmor Chium, for it was brought to Rome from a quarry on Mount Elias, the highest summit in the island of Chios the modern Scio which contested the honour of being the birthplace of Homer. It received its modern name of Africano, not from any connection with Africa, but from its dark colour.