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February was gone before I well knew that it had come, so deeply was I engaged in making hot-beds, and having them sown with petunias, verbenas, and nicotina affinis; while no less than thirty are dedicated solely to vegetables, it having been borne in upon me lately that vegetables must be interesting things to grow, besides possessing solid virtues not given to flowers, and that I might as well take the orchard and kitchen garden under my wing.

Mere ingenuity would scarcely divine the fact that a certain oil was so named because 'parum affinis, having little affinity which chemistry could detect, with any other substance. So, too, it is not very probable that the derivation of 'licorice, once lost, would again be recovered. It would exist, at the best, but as one guess among many.

Polyplectron, number of spurs in; display of plumage by the male; gradation of characters in; female of. Polyplectron chinquis. Polyplectron Hardwickii. Polyplectron malaccense. Polyplectron Napoleonis. Polyzoa. Pomotis. Pontoporeia affinis. Porcupine, mute, except in the rutting season. Pores, excretory, numerical relation of, to the hairs in sheep. Porpitae, bright colours of some.

Sphenopteris, or "wedge-fern," is the name applied to another coal-fern; glossopteris, or "tongue-leaf"; cyclopteris, or "round-leaf"; odonlopteris, or "tooth-leaf," and many others, show their chief characteristics in the names which they individually bear. Alethopteris appears to have been the common brake of the coal-period, and in some respects resembles pecopteris. Sphenopteris Affinis.

Three species belonging to this latter genus occur in India, namely, P. icteroides, the black-and-yellow grosbeak, found in the Western Himalayas; P. affinis, the allied grosbeak, found in Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet, and Western China; and P. carneipes, the white-winged grosbeak, which occurs all along the higher Himalayas.

The hen is wholly black, save for a little white in the wings and tail. In the cock the head, neck, and lower parts are bright reddish brown. The rest of his plumage is black and white. In both sexes the bill is yellow with chestnut grooves. The naked skin round the eye is blue, and that of the throat is scarlet. The call of this species is a deep hoarse croak. Cypselus affinis.

Nor have I ever found any burrows formed by the river species Cumbarus affinis. although I have searched over miles of marsh land on the Potomac for this purpose. The brook near where my observations were made was fast decreasing in volume, and would probably continue to do so until in July its bed would be nearly dry. During the wet seasons the meadow is itself covered.

Pyramidella auriscati is a littoral shell among the reefs of the Claremont Isles. Several Purpurae were taken on reefs and rocks at low-water; among them was P. textiliosa, a Port Dalrymple species. A Quoya lives on rocks being high-water mark in Lizard Island. Several Terebrae, including T. crenulata dimidiata and affinis, inhabit muddy sand among Pipon's Islets.

Paul Marchal, "Observations sur l'Ammophila affinis," Arch. de Zool. exp. et génér., ii. Série, t. x., 1892. Similar cases in which the specific instinct is less powerful and individual initiative greater. Here is, for instance, the case of the Chlorion, where each animal possesses more considerable initiative. It attacks the Cockroach.

It is free to introduce its sting into any part of the body, and yet with extreme certainty it strikes the two ganglions already mentioned. "Étude sur l'Instinct et les Metamorphoses des Sphégiens," Ann. Sc. Nat., iv. Série, t. 6, 1856. P. Marchal, "Observations sur l'Ammophila affinis," Arch. de Zool. expér. et génér., ii. Série, t. 10, 1892.