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I understood from Hope that, after 1784, when he came to the Bar, he and Braxfield rode a whole north circuit; and that, from the Findhorn being in a flood, they were obliged to go up its banks for about twenty-eight miles to the bridge of Dulsie before they could cross. I myself rode circuits when I was Advocate-Depute between 1807 and 1810.

I could not conceive what he should be doing in Grant's house; I could not conceive that he had been called to the bar, had eaten all his principles, and was now currying favour with the Government even to the extent of acting Advocate-Depute in the Appin murder. "Well, Mr. Balfour," said he, "what is all this I hear of ye?"

I could not conceive what he should be doing in Grant's house; I could not conceive that he had been called to the bar, had eaten all his principles, and was now currying favour with the Government even to the extent of acting Advocate-Depute in the Appin murder. "Well, Mr. Balfour," said he, "what is all this I hear of ye?"

Drew Advocate-Depute, and counsel for the Crown, with the Lord Advocate Isaiah Schoolcraft said: "I got a warrant on the twenty-sixth of October to go to the country-house near Edinburgh called Gleninch. I took with me Robert Lorrie, assistant to the Fiscal. We first examined the room in which Mrs. Eustace Macallan had died.

Still farther we may remark, that it was no small honour to Mr. Bell that he was made Sheriff of Lanarkshire contrary to the usual custom, which is to appoint to the office some one that has acted for a longer or shorter period as Advocate-Depute a place which he, of course, has never filled. As a judge, Sheriff Bell displays remarkable discrimination and insight.

I could not conceive what he should be doing in Grant's house; I could not conceive that he had been called to the Bar, had eaten all his principles, and was now currying favour with the Government, even to the extent of acting Advocate-Depute in the Appin murder. "Well, Mr. Balfour," said he, "what is all this I hear of ye?"