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The fact is this were Deef Woman plays that remarkable sweet no one dances at all; jest nacherally sets'round hungerin' for them melodies, an' cadences to that extent they actooally overlooks drinks. "That's right; an' you can gamble your deepest chip when folks begins to overlook drinks, an' a glass of whiskey lasts energetic people half an hour, they's shorely some rapt.

He paused, and cast a furtive glance at the furnaces. "What! you don't mean cremate 'im?" The policeman nodded. "Well, now, I don't know that it's actooally against the rules of the GPO," replied the stoker, with a meditative frown, "but it seems to me a raither unconstitootional proceedin'. It's out o' the way of our usual line of business, but "

"'Is it a love story, Daddy Enright? asks Faro Nell, all eager, an' bendin' towards Enright across the layout. "'It shows brands an' y'ear marks as sech, Nellie, says Enright; 'love an' loco makes up the heft of it. "'Then tell it, urges Faro Nell. 'I'm actooally hungerin' for a love story, an' she reaches down an' squeezes Cherokee's hand onder the table.

"'But thar's bitterness to follow vict'ry. Jeff emerges like Diana from the bath an' frales the wamus off me with a club. Talk of puttin' a crimp in folks! Gents when Jeff's wrath is assuaged I'm all on one side like the leanin' tower of Pisa. Jeff actooally confers a skew-gee to my spinal column. "'A week later my folks takes me to a doctor.

He's settin' into a poker game. "Steve never oughter gambled none. He is a good cow-boy splendid round-up hand an' can do his day's work with rope or iron in a brandin' pen with anybody; but comin' right to cases, he don't know no more about playin' poker than he does about preachin'. Actooally, he'd back two pa'r like thar's no record of their bein' beat.

The bullet didn't hit the Judge at all; it only jes whizzed parst his left ear, lodgin in the wall behind him; but what d'ye spose the old despot did? Why, he actooally fined Bill ten dollars for contempt of Court! What do you think of that?" axed the capting of the Warier, as he parst a long black bottle over to our capting.

Thar's only one blow; as soon as Hotspur can round up his fragments an' net to his hoofs, he goes sailin' down the valley, his eyes stickin' out so's he can see his sins. As he starts, Prince Hal, who's been hoppin' about the rim of the riot, claps his horns to Hotspur's flyin' hocks an' keeps him goin'. But it ain't needed none; that Falstaff actooally ruins Hotspur with the first charge.

"And that ain't all," said Mrs. Dimmidge, with a sly glance at her spouse, "for I found out from that 'Personal' you showed me that this particular old fool was actooally jealous! "And then?" said the editor impatiently. "And then I KNEW he loved me all the time." Even to the eye of the most inexperienced traveler there was no doubt that Buena Vista was a "played-out" mining camp.

Now, you know-at least I can tell 'ee that my old chum Willum is as rich as a East Injin nabob. You wouldn't believe, madam, what fortins some gold-diggers have made. W'y, I've seed men light their pipes with fi'-pun' notes for a mere brag out there. I've made a goodish lump o' money myself too, a'most more than I know what to do with, an' as to Willum, I may say he's actooally rollin' in gold.

Thet's wot I bin sayin' o' my wife Sadie, her that I actooally got to think kem back to me last night. You see I'd heerd from one o' those fellars that a woman like unto her had been picked up in Texas and brought on yere, and that mebbe she was somewhar in Californy. I was that foolish and that ontrue to her, all the while knowin', as I once told you, Mr.