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There I lifted the lid slightly to take a peep, and then with a cry of joy, opened it wide. That particular shoe-box had brought me an Actias Luna, newly emerged, and as yet unable to fly. I held down my finger, it climbed on, and was lifted to the light. "Ain't it the prettiest thing?" asked the woman, with stars sparkling in her dark eyes. "Did you ever see whiter white?"

These metallic spots at the base of the spines are also seen on Pernyi, Yama mai, Mylitta, and other species of the genus Antheraea, all having a closed cocoon, but none of these have so many as Polyphemus. The cocoons of the species of the genus Actias are closed, but the larvae have not the metallic spots of the species of the genus Antheraea. Samia Gloveri.

The Atlas larvae only reached the third stage, and were destroyed by the heavy rains; only two remained on the tree till about the 8th or 9th of September, when they had to be removed. I shall now reproduce the notes I took on some of the various species I reared. Actias Selene. With sixty cocoons I only obtained one pairing.

The sparrows, as usual, also destroyed a quantity of worms, in spite of wire or fish-netting placed over some of the trees. For the first time I reared Actias selene, from India, on a nut-tree in the garden, and Attacus atlas, on the ailantus. The Selene larvae reached their fifth and last stage.

Several of them are the largest of the insect race. And one of them, the famous atlas moth, is sometimes nearly a foot across. Next in size come several species of the genus Actias, of which selene is the most common. It is of a pale green colour with a pinkish; spot, and has long slender tails.