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He looked pale, and a little worn, as if with perplexing thought and anxiety of mind. He sat a long time, looking at the floor, and at intervals muttering to himself and nodding his head acquiescingly or shaking it in mild protest. He was lost in his thought, or in his memories. We continued our talk with the planters, branching from subject to subject.

He led me to an inn in the main street, arrangements were made to house me, old men and young lads gathered to welcome me as a lost brother, and the fu-song told me graciously that he was going to the magistrate. In cruel English, with many wildly threatening gestures, did I protest, and the people laughed acquiescingly. "Puh tong, puh tong, you gaping idiots!" I repeated, and it caused more glee.

Pisistratus bows, and looks round complacently; but recoils from two very peevish and discontented faces feminine. "Not only as regards mildness of temper and other household qualifications, but as regards the very person of the object of his choice. Pisistratus tries to look as if he had the opinion of Bias by heart, and nods acquiescingly.

He looked pale, and a little worn, as if with perplexing thought and anxiety of mind. He sat a long time, looking at the floor, and at intervals muttering to himself and nodding his head acquiescingly or shaking it in mild protest. He was lost in his thought, or in his memories. We continued our talk with the planters, branching from subject to subject.

I nabbed 'em all last night in the new traps of my own invention. mebbe the lilies will be all the better for their loss. I'll be catchin' some more this evenin'. Lord; Passon, if you was to 'old out offers of a shillin' a head, the rats 'ud be gone in no time, an' the lilies too!" Walden absorbed in getting his punt out, only smiled and nodded acquiescingly.

He quotes it as yours, half acquiescingly, and ruefully. 'For visitors, we have had Captain Baskelett for two minutes, and Lord Palmet, who stayed longer, and seems to intend to come daily. He attempts French with Madame de R., and amuses her a little: a silver foot and a ball of worsted. Mr. and Mrs. Grancey Lespel have called, and Lord and Lady Croyston. Colonel Halkett, Miss Halkett, and Mr.

A photograph of Keith stood on the table in a silver frame. When, however, Lois would have brought up the subject of Mr. Keith, his name stuck in her throat. "I have what the children call 'a swap' for you," said the girl, smiling. Mrs. Lancaster smiled acquiescingly as she bit off a thread.

Pisistratus bows, and looks round complacently; but recoils from two very peevish and discontented faces feminine. "Not only as regards mildness of temper and other household qualifications, but as regards the very person of the object of his choice. Pisistratus tries to look as if he had the opinion of Bias by heart, and nods acquiescingly.

I suppose he only means to express a gentleman decidedly in the decline of life, which, in my eyes, he is; so I say kindly and acquiescingly "Yes, it is rather hard, is it not?"

I sighed acquiescingly. Mrs. Purdon's fierce independence was a rock on which every attempt at sympathy or help shattered itself to atoms. There seemed to be no other emotion left in her poor old work-worn shell of a body.