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It seemed strange enough, to lie there in that tropical forest, listening to an enthusiastic description of the rugged sublimity of the Trossachs, the romantic beauty of Loch Vennacher, Loch Katrine, and Loch Achray, or the lovely vale of Kelso, bosomed in green woods, with its placid streams, smooth lawns, and hazel-fringed dells.

After tea we walked out, and visited a little kirk that stands near the shore of Loch Achray, at a good point of view for seeing the hills round about. This morning opened cloudily; but after breakfast I set out alone, and walked through the pass of the Trosachs, and thence by a path along the right shore of the lake.

When we reached the end of the lake, it commenced raining, and we hastened on through the pass of Beal-an-Duine, scarcely taking time to glance at the scenery, till Loch Achray appeared through the trees, and on its banks the ivy-grown front of the inn of Ardcheancrochan with its unpronounceable name. My acquaintance, the Reverend Mr.

When I think I have described them, I remember quite a different aspect, and find it equally true, and yet lacking something to make it the whole or an adequate truth. J had gone with me part of the way, but stopped to fish with a pin-hook in Loch Achray, which bordered along our path.

When I think I have described them, I remember quite a different aspect, and find it equally true, and yet lacking something to make it the whole or an adequate truth. J had gone with me part of the way, but stopped to fish with a pin-hook in Loch Achray, which bordered along our path.

It can be reached only by way of the kitchen, which somewhat lessens its value as a pleasure-ground or a rustic retreat, but Willie and I retire there now and then for a quiet chat. On this particular occasion Willie was declaiming the exciting verses where Fitz-James and Murdoch are crossing the stream 'That joins Loch Katrine to Achray, where the crazed Blanche of Devan first appears:

When we reached the end of the lake it commenced raining, and we hastened on through the pass of Beal-an-Duine, scarcely taking time to glance at the scenery, till Loch Achray appeared through the trees, and on its banks the ivy-grown front of the inn of Ardcheancrochan, with its unpronounceable name. We passed a glorious summer morning on the banks of Loch Katrine.

We live here on ambrosial distillations from the rocks and muskalunge from the lake. I never came to Canada from old Glazka town, and never saw Loch Achray, or Loch Lomond, or any body of water save this, since I was created in God's image without any knowledge of the catechism. And let me see a mon set foot on this strond!" "Oh, you inhospitable creature!" "I but said let me see him."

The river is a succession of small wild lakes, connected by narrow reaches, bound for ever between abrupt precipices. There are lakes more beauteous than Loch Katrine, softer in their features than Loch Achray, though like both, or like the waters which glitter beneath the blue sky of Italy.

"It's a cautious mon, is the Scotchmon," said Adam, "but no' so slow, after all." "Oh, never slow!" said Louis. "Very, very fast indeed, to leave this paradise in the midst of the summer." "'Farewell to lovely Loch Achray," sighed Adam: "Where shall we find, in any land, So lone a lake, so sweet a strand?" Louis made a sign of adieu and dipped his oars.