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The old be-thought themselves of the days when they had gone a-Maying; and the young felt less disposed to work, and were inclined to wander out in search of May-flowers in the green meadows, or along the sunny banks of the river, which surrounded the town.

Darkness came and hid him even from himself. He is not found again until a time of the night that is not marked on ornamental clocks, but has an hour to itself on the watch which a hundred thousand or so of London women carry in their breasts; the hour when men steal homewards trickling at the mouth and drawing back from their own shadows to the wives they once went a-maying with, or the mothers who had such travail at the bearing of them, as if for great ends.

Here, the surface of things is certainly humdrum, the streets dingy, the green places, where the child goes a-maying, tame enough.

A very pitiful thing truly! Give them the money, and let them go a-Maying as well. The same bribe they repeat at Christmas to stay the boys from going round mumming. It is in spring that the folk make most use of herbs, such as herb tea of gorse bloom. One cottage wife exclaimed that she had no patience with women so ignorant they did not know how to use herbs, as wood-sage or wood-betony.

The cousins had been a-Maying, and soon came flocking in laden with the spoils. "Here is our bonny Scotch rose with all her thorns about her," said Dr. Alec, surveying her with unusual pride and tenderness, as she went to show Aunt Peace her basket full of early flowers, fresh leaves, and curious lichens.

Wait not the hour, when all the mind Shall to the crowd be given; For links, which to the million bind, Shall from the one be riven. But let us love while yet we may Our summer is decaying; And woe to hearts which, in their gray December, go a-maying. The next day Emily rose ill and feverish. In the absence of Falkland, her mind always awoke to the full sense of the guilt she had incurred.

It comes naturally with a warm holiday and the freshness of the blood. It is a perfect summer amulet, that I tie round my legs to quicken their motion when I go out a-maying. Do you take the pun?

What do you think of the plan of the Maynards going a-Maying in their own motor car, and taking the whole month of May for it?" Marjorie's eyes opened wide. "I know what you mean!" she exclaimed; "you mean a tour a tour through the country in an automobile! I've heard of such things!" "Wise child!" said her father; "well, that's exactly what I do mean.

Here, the surface of things is certainly humdrum, the streets dingy, the green places, where the child goes a-maying, tame enough.

It may be said of her that, during these passages, she plucked her sensations by the way, detached, nervously, the small wild blossoms of her dim forest, so that she could smile over them at least with the spacious appearance, for her companions, for her husband above all, of bravely, of altogether frivolously, going a-maying.