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I am sure that I mentally forgave all my enemies as I dropped off into a most delicious doze, but the sudden realization that a light hand was passing over my cheek roused me to savage anger in an instant. I sprang up, and saw Budge shrink timidly away from my bedside. "I was only a-lovin' you, cos you was good, and brought us candy.

"She told me that Ben were the brat's pa, and that " her eyes gladdened as she finished "she were a-lovin' him; and, Satisfied, when we air a-lovin', and lovin' damn hard, then ain't we happy when we air with them what we loves?" She had come close to him, standing near the dead man and woman. The girl slipped her hand into Longman's reassuringly, as she asked the last question.

An' who'd 'a' thought uv them two a-lovin' each othah lak thet? Come to think on it, though, it's a wondah I hain't suspicioned 'em foh this; but, la! they're both so young. Abner hain't more'n twenty-four or twenty-five, an' Betsy hain't but two yeah oldah'n our Cissy."

"Yep. She were a-lovin' the burnt student better'n anything else. And, when women air a-lovin' like that " She ceased abruptly, and her own love for him attacked her as lightning attacks an oak in the autumn. Teola Graves had gone willingly to the burnt student, and Myra Longman had loved the ugly fisherman with a love that hurt like hers.

"An' you jes' 'ceived me all the time," he cried, "an' me a-lovin' you better 'n anybody I ever see sence I's born? An' you a Sunday-School teacher? I ain't never a-goin' to trus' nobody no mo'. Good-bye, Miss Cecilia."

Den he say, 'Hab you got any boa'ders yere? an' I say, 'I got one, an' den he 'tempted ter pass me an' I say, 'Wait a minute 'til I see ef he's outen de bed. Now, what's I gwineter do? He doan' mean no good to Marse Harry an' he'll dribe him 'way ag'in, an' he jes' come back an' you gittin' well a-lovin' of him an' " An uncertain step was heard in the hall.

"They came to the trade, after a tolerable spell of it," Caleb went on, "and the last thing I heard Japhe say was, 'now you recollect, Brother Bledsoe, I done told you that there piebald's no account on the face of the earth a-lovin' of my neighbor like I promise' Brother Silas I would." Tom laughed again.

"I were a-goin' to lie then," she went on slowly. "He air a-carin', but but " She dashed a loose curl from her eyes, and flung herself headlong upon the bed, with a burst of sobs that drew Young quickly to her. "Tessibel Skinner, you love Frederick Graves?" Tess straightened, and looked at him fearfully. "Yep, I air a-lovin' him," she wailed. "And he doesn't love you?" "He be a-lovin' me, too."

"Why! he air been dead a long time, ain't he?" "Yes; six months." "And ye air a-lovin' him yet?" "Yes." "But he air dead," philosophized Tess. "He ain't with no other girl." Teola shivered violently. "Oh, I know that; I know that. But I I need him. I want him so!" "But he air dead," said Tess again steadily. For many minutes neither spoke.

An' I'll just go on a-lovin' you, no matter what happens; an' I ain't a-carin' whether you got a woman already er not, er whether you-all have robbed er killed, er what you done. An' an' so I'm a-tellin' you, you'd best not let her come back here no more, 'cause 'cause I just naturally can't stand hit ter see youuns tergether! 'Fore God, I'm a-tellin' you true, I'll sure hurt her!"