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I allowed they'd make some sort of a swap with you, so I didn't say anything when they was layin' out their lines thoo' the hawss-lot and across the lower corn-field this mornin' easy, now; no more r'arin' and t'arin' with that thar little gal not a-knowin' which side o' the earth's goin' to cave in next!" The Major dropped his pipe, laid fast hold of the arms of his chair, and breathed hard.

I I sure ain't a-foolin' myself none, not ary bit, a-thinkin' you-all could ever git ter likin' sich as me; but, I can't help sort of dreamin' 'bout hit an' a-pretendin', an' an' all the while I'm a-knowin', inside er me like, that there ain't nobody, not Auntie Sue, nor this here Betty Jo, nor that there other woman, nor anybody, what kin care for you like I'm a-carin', they just naturally couldn't care like me; 'cause 'cause, you see, sir, I ain't got nobody else, ain't no man but you ever even been decent ter me.

"This is d d intimidation!" shouted Battersleigh, starting up and shaking a fist in White Calf's face. "Give up our horses? Not by a d d sight!" said Curly. "You can heap shoot if you want to turn loose, but you'll never set me afoot out here, not while I'm a-knowin' it!" The situation was tense, and Franklin felt his heart thumping, soldier though he was.

"When I see even a nigger a-standin' there and a-knowin' so well what wimmen's place wuz, my heart beat with about the proudest emotions I have ever experienced. Why, he said," sez Casper, "that if wimmen wuz allowed to stand up in the Conference, they wouldn't be satisfied. The next thing they would want to do would be to preach. It wuz a masterly argument," sez Casper.

"Yep; to-day. He air a-growin' a little more pert." "Glad for Myry," was Tessibel's comment. "Ye ain't heard nothin' from yer Daddy, have ye?" asked Ben, presently. "Yep. I had a letter from him. He air a-comin' to the shanty as soon as he air out." "He ain't a-goin' to get out!" "Yep, he air; sure he air." "Air he a-knowin' of yer brat?" Ben was staring at the child. Tess stared back at him.

I don't know w'at all to do an' I sometimes gets plumb discouraged-like. "Now, hearin' of him talk that-a-way, an' a-knowin' of his weakness, I gits a idea. It's a chanst and mebbee it don't pan out, but I puts it up as a bluff.

Truly I had enugh on my mind and heart that night without disputin' with my Josiah. Ralph S. Robinson would lay lookin' like a dead man some of the time, still and demute, and then he would speak out in a strange language, stranger than any I ever heard. He would preach sermons in that language, I a-knowin' it wuz a sermen by his gestures, and also by my feelin's.

Truly I had enugh on my mind and heart that night without disputin' with my Josiah. Ralph S. Robinson would lay lookin' like a dead man some of the time, still and demute, and then he would speak out in a strange language, stranger than any I ever heard. He would preach sermons in that language, I a-knowin' it wuz a sermen by his gestures, and also by my feelin's.

I am glad, Trueman's wife," sez I, "that He can look right down into our hearts, that He is right there in 'em a-knowin' all about us, all our wants, our joys, our despairs, our temptations, our resolves, our weakness, our blindness, our defects, our regrets, our remorse, our deepest hopes, our inspiration, our triumphs, our glorys.

"Where's Ezy?" asked Longman. There was no anxiety in his voice. He was tumbling the fish into the cars. "I ain't no way a-knowin' where he air. He skipped away, and said how he wanted to speak to his pappy, and I ain't seed him since.... Ezy were a fool when he was born." "Gone home, like a sneakin' kid," put in Jake Brewer.