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Pete was about to say something when Brevoort touched him gently with his knee. "We was lookin' for a place like that," said Brevoort, suddenly loquacious. "We sure aim to see this town. We just been paid off we was workin' for the Bar-Cross and we figured on seein' a little high life a-fore we went to punchin' again. Is that hotel you was speakin' about open all night?" The conductor chuckled.

They ain't expectin' tew find us here, an' will come a rushin' up unsuspicious-like, an', if we hide, we can give 'em a mighty warm reception a-fore they know what's happenin'." "Bully! Where'll we hide?" and Mr. Conroyal glanced eagerly around.

"Mothers killed outright an' th' calves branded. Oh, I know it all but what could I do? Kep' gettin' poorer an' poorer. Couldn't afford enough riders t' protect 'em. Then couldn't afford any an' tried t' make it go as th' boys got older. Courtrey, damn him, wants me offen that piece o' land a-fore th' patent's granted. Him with his twenty thousan' acres of Lost Valley now! An' how'd he get it?

Some local unknown bard, watching those banking clouds, has left a lyric to his people, and I heard a gray-bearded mountaineer singing it as he predicted the break of a summer drought: "The sun rose bright But hid its head soon, 'Twill rain a-fore night Ef hit don't rain a-fore noon."

I worked right here et the Davis, the R.T. Davis coal mine, en at the Bailey mine; that was a-fore Mistah Bailey died. "When I worked for Mistah Davis he provided a house in the Cutt-Off, that's ovah wheath the mine's at. We woaked frum 7 o'clock in the mawnin' til 6 'clock at night. Yes, I sure liked tuh woak for Mistah Davis. I tended fuahnaces some, too. I sure wuz sorry wen Mistah Davis died."

He began to walk about as fast as I had ever seen him go. He had been looking for me. Soon he slowed his gait and said in a low voice: "'Ain't ye a leetle bit car'less? An Injun wouldn't have no trouble smashin' yer head with a tommyhawk. In this 'ere business ye got to have a swivel in yer neck an' keep 'er twistin'. Ye got to know what's goin' on a-fore an' behind ye an' on both sides.

"I believe that you make fewer mistakes than I do." "Wal, they say one has to creep a-fore they walk, so I spose I can't be a dabster at the bisness yet but jist look at them folks." "Them folks" were Miss Lottie and a graceful young man who bore a striking resemblance to the young solicitor. The latter was Mr.