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If the Groland outside resembled his father-in-law, he would like to drink him a pledge that should burn like the plague and ruin. He snatched a flask from his pocket as he spoke, and after a long pull and a still longer "A-ah!" he stammered: "I've been obliged to bid farewell to my tongue, yet it feels as if it were sticking in my throat like the dry sole of a shoe.

If the Groland outside resembled his father-in-law, he would like to drink him a pledge that should burn like the plague and ruin. He snatched a flask from his pocket as he spoke, and after a long pull and a still longer "A-ah!" he stammered: "I've been obliged to bid farewell to my tongue, yet it feels as if it were sticking in my throat like the dry sole of a shoe.

So that was Lola, was it? But she seemed to have forgotten her father; it was not for him that she was waiting there. Now she put the tip of her crumpled handkerchief between her teeth and tugged at it angrily. The telephone rang. A-ah! Lola gave a cry like a sob and dashed past him. The door of the telephone-room slammed, and at the same moment Charlotte called, "Is that you, father?"

Look, look!" he cried, clutching her thin wrist; "see, there, there coming round by the dresser! A-ah!" he screamed, in hoarse execration. "Would ye, then?" and he hurled a great jug from the table at the pursuing unseen. The jug struck the yellow face of the clock, and the glass jangled on the floor. Mrs.

Burns," said Cosmo, "that our chief reason for wishing you to see them was that you might, if you would oblige us, take them away, and dispose of them for us!" "A-ah!" rejoined Mr. Burns, "I fear I am getting too old for a transaction of such extent! I should have to go to London to Paris to Amsterdam who knows where? that is, to make the best of them perhaps to America!

"So I think I'd better save my ration until I'm hungry." Dusty Miller sliced off a wedge of bread with the knife edge against his thumb, popped it in his mouth, and followed it with a corner of cheese. "A-ah!" he said profoundly, and still munching; "there's no sense in saving rations when you're going into action.

"If they ain't diggin' fer gold, then what are they diggin' fer?" he demanded aggressively, and so suddenly that Murphy started. "A-ah, now, I'll tell ye what they're diggin' fer, but it's a secret, mind ye, and ye must nivver spheak a word av it. They're diggin' fer anguintum, me boy.

As startled as the kingbird, she grasped the cow-horn and lifted it to her lips. But she did not blow a warning. The uniform retreated in cowardly haste, the tasselled hat lowered, and the eyes beseeched. A moment. Then, the man smiled and shook his hat at her roguishly. "A-ah!" he said in the tone of one who has made a discovery "I didn't know before that a fairy lives in this grove!"

Visitors were conducted to the apple tree in solemn procession, and presented. They peered over the fence and said, "A-ah!" just as if they knew all about it. Perhaps some of them did. Perhaps some of them had tried to grow it in their own gardens. As November came on and the air grew cold, the question whether the flame-flower should winter abroad became insistent.

"I hope you haven't been paying attentions to anybody, Sam," said Mr. Nugent in a shocked voice. "A-ah," said Mrs. Silk, shivering with anger. "Ask 'im; the deceiving villain. Ask anybody, and see what they'll tell you. Oh, you wicked man, I wonder you can look me in the face!" Truth to tell, Mr. Wilks was looking in any direction but hers.