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One end, from opening, was 2 5-8, containing three cells, two with larva and pollen, the third empty. I think this was the work of one bee, and, as near as I can judge, about twenty-five days' work. Width of tunnel inside at widest 9-16 inch.

The specimen was caught at the mouth of Oyster Harbour by a hook, on the 30th August, 1841. No. 19. CENTROPRISTES TRUTTA. SCIAENA TRUTTA, G. Foster, Icon. 210. Pectorals yellow or orange coloured, with dark bases; scales faintly fan-streaked; last rays of dorsal and anal elongated. Faint oblong, orange-coloured spots on the sides, not in vertical rows. "Rays, D. 9-16; A. 2-10; P. 16."

LORD CHESTERFIELD, Letter to Mr. Dayrolles, dated May 19th, 1752. Maria Teresa died in December, 1780. Mme. du Deffand, letter of May 19th, 1770. Chambier, i., p. 60. Mme. de Campan, i., p. 3. He told Mercy she was "'vive et un peu enfant, mais," ajouta-t-il, "cela est bien de son âge." ARNETH, i., p. 11. Arneth, i., p.9-16 Dates 9th and 12th., Arneth, i., pp. 16, 18.

brought to examination, justice, and condign punishment." This was a sufficient intimation to Hazlerig and his party to provide for their own safety. Ludlow, ii. 229, 247. Carte's Letters, ii, 246. Thurloe, vii. 755. Declaration of General Council of Officers, 9-16. True Narrative of the Proceedings in Parliament, Council of State, &c., published by special order, 1659.

The Lord also describes his marriage with the church in these words: 'upon thy right hand did stand the Queen in gold of Ophir: her clothing is of wrought gold: she shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the Virgins her companions that follow her shall enter into the king's palace. Psalm xlv. 9-16."

This state of affairs continued till January 18, when there was a notable snow storm, and a gale from the E.N.E. For four days, up to and inclusive of January 8, ozone was present in more than its usual amounts. During January 9-16, it was absent. On January 17 it reappeared, and on January 18 it was abundant. Mr.

The TOORJENONG grows to a large size, exceeding twenty pounds in weight. It is a gross feeder, and its flesh is hard and dry, but the head and sides are much prized by the natives, and the head of a large one makes tolerable soup. No. 45. "Rays, 9-16; A. 3-16; P. 14; V. 1-5." Caught by the hook, off Rocky Point, on the 17th of August, 1844. Good to eat. No. 1.

And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city. 16. And he repaired the altar of the Lord, and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and thank offerings, and commanded Judah to serve the Lord God of Israel. 2 CHRON. xxxiii. 9-16.