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"I cannot finish this letter now, and, although it is not worth posting, I think it will be best to send it off. I may put in a P.S. if there is opportunity. "Anyway, believe me, as ever and for ever, "Your affectionate father, At his last public Meeting to celebrate his 83d birthday, at the Royal Albert Hall, on the 9th day of May, the General had said:

"Well hum hum! what is it you propose to do to-night?" "I should like to consult my Chief of Division." "Meaning me?" "Of course." "When?" "Now!" "Where are you just now, Miss Erith?" "At home. Could you come to me?" Vaux shivered again. "Where d-do you live?" he asked, with chattering teeth. She gave him the number of a private house on 83d Street just off Madison Avenue.

Any one who visits the Koyukuk may see monster turnips and cabbages raised at Coldfoot, near the 68th parallel; from Sir William Parry's description we may feel quite sure that vegetables of size and excellence might be raised at the head of Bushnan's Cove of Melville Island, on the 75th parallel; he called it "an arctic paradise"; Greely reported "grass twenty-four inches high and many butterflies" in the interior of Grinnell Land under the 82d parallel; and if gold were ever discovered on the north coast of Greenland one might quite expect to hear that some enterprising Swede was growing turnips and cabbages at Cape Morris Jessup above the 83d parallel, and getting a dollar a pound for them.

It is to be lamented that Erasmus did not execute his design. His general sentiments appear in his Paraphrase upon the 83d Psalm; they are expressed with great wisdom and moderation.

B. Kinsey; the pioneers of the Thirteenth Army Corps, 125 in number, commanded by Captain John B. Hutchens of the 24th Indiana, and composed of men detailed from the 11th, 24th, 34th, 46th, 47th, and 67th Indiana, the 48th, 56th, 83d, and 96th Ohio, the 24th and 28th Iowa, the 23d and 29th Wisconsin, 130th Illinois, and 19th Kentucky; 460 men of the 27th Indiana, 29th Wisconsin, 19th Kentucky, 130th Illinois, 83d Ohio, 24th Iowa, 23d Wisconsin, 77th Illinois, and 16th Ohio, commanded by Captain George W. Stein of the latter regiment.

"The city surrounded by rivers;" the modern Benares, lat. 25d 23s N., lon. 83d 5s E. "The rishi," says Eitel, "is a man whose bodily frame has undergone a certain transformation by dint of meditation and ascetism, so that he is, for an indefinite period, exempt from decrepitude, age, and death.

We are likewise informed that L. Paulus, the father of Africanus, defended the character of an eminent citizen in a public speech; and that Cato, who died in the 83d year of his age, was then living, and actually pleaded, that very year, against the defendant Servius Galba, in the open Forum, with great energy and spirit: he has left a copy of this Oration behind him.

The first and second day, nothing was done; on the 3d, the 83d regiment was dispatched in pursuit from Marseilles. I accompanied them for four miles, during which, they had made two short halts.

Do not show any curiosity about other people's affairs, and do not go near the place where persons are talking in private. 82d. Undertake not what you cannot Perform but be Carefull to keep your Promise Ne vous chargez point d'vne chose dont vous ne vous pouuez acquiter; maintenez ce que vous auez promis. Do not undertake anything that you cannot perform; keep your promise. 83d.

The Commission consisted of the following named officers: C.D. Murray, Colonel 89th Indiana Volunteers, President Commission. Ben. Spooner, Colonel 83d Indiana Volunteers. N.C. Macrae, Major United States Army. P. Vous Radowitz, Lieutenant-Colonel United States Army. S.P. Lee, Major 6th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. M.N. Wiswell, Colonel Veteran Reserve Corps.