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I have seen 2900 churches, and all of them built by Michael Angelo and decorated by Raphael; and it was so wonderful I cried. I bought candles and prayers, and I am afraid Christian Science had a dull day. Tomorrow we start at nine, and go to high mass at St. Peter's, and then into the country to the catacombs, where the early Christians hid from the Romans.

In 1916 she ate 4200 peaches, and sent the stones to the Government. In 1917 the military authorities called up three of her gardeners, and what with this and the fact that it was a bad year for wall fruit, she only managed to eat 2900 peaches during that crucial period of the national destinies.

Often these girls will sit up half the night after having met boats nearly all day, to get the telegrams all off that night. It is interesting to note that on one single day, April 20th, 1919, the Salvation Army Headquarters in New York sent 2900 such free telegrams for returning soldiers.

Now, if the effective velocity of the centre of pressure and the velocity of the pistons had been the same, then a pressure of 2900 Lbs. upon the vertical paddles would have been balanced by an equal pressure on the pistons, which would have been in this case about .75 Lbs. per square inch; but as the effective velocity of the centre of pressure is 4.997 feet per second, while that of the pistons is only 3.66 feet per second, the pressure must be increased in the proportion of 4.997 to 3.66 to establish an equilibrium of pressure, or, in other words, it must be 1.02 Lbs. per square inch.

The Bluff depot was now well stocked. Between 2800 and 2900 lbs. of provisions had been dragged to the depot for the use of parties working to the south of this point. This quantity was in addition to stores placed there earlier in the year. Joyce left the Bluff depot on December 29, and the parties were together two days later.

In September, 1916, Guynemer had tried at the front one of the first two Spads. On the 8th he wrote to M. Béchereau: "Well, the Spad has had her baptême du feu. The others were six: an Aviatik at 2800, an L.V.G. at 2900, and four Rumplers jostling one another with barely 25 meters in between at 3000 meters. My gun never jammed once."

In Southern Norway, the spruce-fir ceases to grow beyond the line of 2900 feet above the sea-level; while in Switzerland, it is commonly met with at the height of 5500 feet, and in some situations, 7000; shewing that the influences which affect the growth of grain do not similarly affect that of trees proximity of the sea decreases the summer temperature.

So that orchid collecting is made a very expensive affair. Besides its success being very doubtful, even if a man is very well acquainted with Indian life and has visited the Savannah reaches year after year. We spent something over $2500 to $2900, including Mr. Kromer's and Steigfer's passage out, on our last expedition.

As each board is of 20 square feet of area, and there is a vertical board on each side of the ship, the total pressure on the vertical paddle boards will be 2900 Lbs. Q. What pressure is this equivalent to on each square inch of the pistons? A. A vessel of 200 horses power will have two cylinders, each 50 inches diameter, and 5 feet stroke, or thereabout.

We had now descended about 2900 feet since leaving Green River City, Wyoming, not a very great fall for the distance travelled if an average is taken, but a considerable portion of the distance was on quiet water, as we have noted, with a fall of a foot or two to the mile, and with alternate sections only containing bad water.