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2 Sam. xiii, 13-16 and 37. Exod. vi, 20. Gen. xi. 26-29. It is by considering these survivals of mother-right in connection with similar customs to be found among existing maternal peoples that we see their true significance.

The visit of the women to the tomb Matt. xxviii. 1-8; Mark xvi. 1-8; Luke xxiv. 1-12; John xx. 1-10. The report of the watch Matt. xxviii. 11-15. The appearance to Simon Peter I. Cor. xv. 5. One week later Sunday. The appearance to the eleven, with Thomas John xx. 26-29. Later appearances. To seven disciples by the sea of Galilee John xxi. 1-24. To a company of disciples in.

Twice it seemed on the point of falling into the hands of the Russians; at Krasnoe 26,000 prisoners are said to have been captured by Kutuzov's army, while at Borisov the southern army under Chichagov and the army returning from Finland under Wittgenstein joined hands, and disputed the French passage of the Berezina on November 26-29.

In Job xxiv. 3, cattle are taken; in Prov. xxii 27, household furniture; in Lev. xxv. 25-28, the productions of the soil; in Lev. xxv. 27-30, houses; in Exodus xxii. 26-29, and Deut. xxiv. 10-13, and Matt. v. 40, clothing; but servants were taken in no instance. Property of all sorts was given and held in pledge.

When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, ... lifting up; and He shall save the humble person. JOB xxii. 26-29. These words are a fragment of one of the speeches of Job's friends, in which the speaker has been harping on the old theme that affliction is the consequence and evidence of sin.

The wording in the old Irish Antiphoner differs in some verses from the text given in our Breviary. Thus, in verse 6, the Bangor text has, universa before the word terra; again, in verse 18, the Breviary reads "Tu ad deteram Dei sedes," Bangor, and probably more correctly, reads sedens. Verses 26-29, "Dignare Domine... confundar in aeternum" are not found in the Irish book.

Job xxiv. 3, cattle are taken; Prov. xxii. 27, household furniture; Lev. xxv. 25-28, the productions of the soil; Lev. xxv. 27-30, houses; Ex. xxii. 26-29, Deut. xxiv. 10-13, Matt, v. 40, clothing; but servants were taken in no instance. Property of all sorts was given in pledge.