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Ted's voice was curiously boyishly honest in a way he hated but a way that was one of Rose's reasons why he was here with her. "Well, come again," she said frankly. "It was fun. I loved it." "I will Lord knows I thank you enough after 252A Madison Avenue it was simply perfect. And Rose " "Well?" "I'm awful damn sorry. I wish I could help." He thought she was going to laugh.

He went first to 252A Madison Avenue, hoping most heartily that Ted would be there on the fifth floor with his eyeshade over his eyes and large law-books crowding his desk, but the door was locked and knockings brought no response except a peevish voice from the other side of the narrow hall requesting any gentleman that was a gentleman to shut up for Gawd's sake.

"Dear Ollie: "So long and thanks for both good advice and sympathy. The latter helped if the former didn't. Drop me a message at 252A as soon as you decide on this French proposition. I'm serious about it. By the time he had read this through, Oliver began to feel rather genuinely alarmed.

Then he went into his room. "Mr. Theodore Billett," said the address on the letter, "252A Madison Ave., N. Y. C.," and down in the lower corner, "Kindness of Mr. Oliver Crowe." He thought he might very well ask for the latter phrase on Ted's and Elinor's wedding invitations.