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MCKEEVER: Farm Boys and Girls, pages 171-196, 275-305. GILLETTE: Rural Sociology, pages 20-31. "Country Life," Annals of American Academy, pages 58-68. KERN: Among Country Schools, pages 129-157. FORD: Co-operation in New England, pages 87-185. COULTER: Co-operation Among Farmers, pages 3-23. HERRICK: Rural Credits, pages 456-480.

"The ego or moi affirms a non-ego or non-moi." 3. "The ego or moi affirms itself to be determined by the non-ego or non-moi." M. MARET, "Essai," pp. 129, 142, 146, 175, 192, 225, 276. Ibid., "Theodicée," pp. 193, 366, 378, 386, 394. MR. MORELL, "History," II. 127, 138. PROFESSOR NICOLAS, "Quelques Considerations sur le Pantheisme," pp. 20-31. MR. MORELL, "History of Philosophy," II. 129.

Cf. L. Ranke's excellent considerations upon the essence of Roman Law in his Weltgeschichte, Bd. iv. Abth. 2, pp. 20-31. Also Sismondi's remarks upon the part played by the legistes in the constitution of royal authority, Histoire des Francais, Paris, 1826, viii. 85-99.

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. LUKE vi. 20-31. Luke condenses and Matthew expands the Sermon on the Mount. The general outline is the same in both versions. The main body of both is a laying down the law for Christ's disciples.