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It appears that we have, in fact, done better this year than we have done in any year in this regard since the year 1957. The quest for a durable peace, I think, has absorbed every administration since the end of World War II. It has required us to seek a limitation of arms races not only among the superpowers, but among the smaller nations as well.

By October 1957, by which time the Faith had been established in over two hundred and fifty countries and territories, Shoghi Effendi was able to announce the purchase of property for ten new temple sites, and the commencement of work on the Houses of Worship in Kampala, Sydney and Frankfurt; the acquisition of properties for forty-six of the required national Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds; a vast increase in the production of Bahá’í literature; additional Assembly incorporations that had raised the total number to one hundred and ninety-five; growing recognition of Bahá’í marriage and Bahá’í Holy Days; and the advancing work on the International Bahá’í Archives, the first building to be constructed on the broad arc that the Guardian had traced on the slope of Mount Carmel.

They persisted in arguing that the Court had overstepped its constitutional functions. Again, the constitutional question of federal vs. state authority had come to a head just as it had a century earlier. In 1957, the governor of Arkansas openly opposed a court decision ordering the integration of the Central High School in Little Rock.

30 January 1957 17 February 1957 Dear Bahá’í Sister: The Beloved Guardian has suggested that your Assembly arrange for a telegraphic address in Frankfurt, which will simplify telegraphing to your honorable body.

Let us generously help those who are not able to help themselves. But let us stop helping those who are able to help themselves but refuse to do so. The second great goal is to achieve what Americans have not enjoyed since 1957 full prosperity in peacetime. The tide of inflation has turned.

It is not feasible just now for them to come when ... return from Haifa. The Guardian will let ... know when the time comes for their pilgrimage. There are so many wishing to make the pilgrimage, that the Guardian must receive them in the order of their application. Thus, when the time comes for ..., the Guardian will let them know.... 9 April 1957

The first consequential Federal Civil Rights legislation in 85 years was enacted by Congress on recommendation of the Administration in 1957 and 1960. A new Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice has already moved to enforce constitutional rights in such areas as voting and the elimination of Jim Crow laws.

In 1957, as the midway point of the crusade approached, the Guardian, exhausted by thirty-six years of unremitting labor, died while on a visit to London.

19 January 1957 19 January 1957 Dear Bahá’í Sister: I cabled you today, as follows: “What is status purchase Temple Land Polischer Berg. Please cable.” I cabled you on January 8th that the Guardian approved purchase of the land of Polischer Berg, with the assurance that there would be no complications in connection with the erection of the Temple.

To the attainment of these objectives, I pledge full energies of the Administration, as in the Session ahead, it works on a program for submission to you, the Congress of the United States. State of the Union Address Dwight D. Eisenhower January 10, 1957