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Christians of pure blood, therefore, finding themselves involved in long reckonings, became increasingly impatient, and, under a cloak of zeal for the Catholic religion, were incessantly embroiling them with the magistracy or stirring up the populace against them. Llorente estimates the number of Jews who perished under the fury of mobs, in the year 1391, at upward of one hundred thousand.

But what was that novum opus, that special building that was already in progress in 1402? What was the reason for granting in 1359 the first-fruits of the prebendal stalls to the fabric? And in 1391 why did the dean and chapter give one-twentieth of all their rents to the works?

The Complaint of Mars and Venus was translated from the French of Sir Otes de Grantson, a French poet. The Complaint of Annilida to false Arcite. The treatise of the Conclusion of the Astrolabie was written in the year 1391. Of the Cuckow and Nightingale, this seems by the description to have been written at Woodstock.

As early as the year 1391, the Bohemian reformer was studying the works of the great Englishman of that age; and all these things helped to urge him forward in the path in which he resolved to move. An archbishop might thwart him, and try to put him down. A whole university might oppose some of his measures. Wickliff's books might be burned, and loud remonstrances be heard.

He was created Duke of York, at Hoselow Lodge, August 6th, 1385, "by cincture of sword and imposition of gold coronet on his head." During the long struggle between the various members of the Royal Family, York always sided with Gloucester, except when Lancaster was present. About September, 1391, he and his brother of Lancaster concluded a truce with France.

And these works were not alone about the high altar, for the new work proceeding in 1402 had no doubt some relation to that which was in progress in 1391, and it can have been no mere small undertaking. Can these words be applied to the central tower and the spire that rose above it, or to the detached bell-tower of Ventnor stone northward of the church?

After a series of inglorious struggles among the princes of the imperial house, the crown settled, in 1391, on Manuel, whose reign, however, was little else than a train of disasters.

As a virtual prison the Conciergerie only came to be transformed when Charles V quitted the residence of the Palais de la Cité, and the Conciergerie, as such, only figures on the Tournelles registers under date of 1391.

In the same year he became preacher at the important Bethlehem chapel, seating about 1,000 worshipers, founded by John of Milheim in 1391, that the people might hear the Word of God in their own language.

No poetry was over more human than Chaucer's, none ever came more frankly and genially home to men than his "Canterbury Tales." It was the continuation and revision of this work which mainly occupied him during the years from 1384 to 1391.