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The events of this period may be put down somewhat as follows: Abraham's call and settlement in Canaan, chs. 12-13. The rescue of Lot from the plundering kings of the North, ch. 14. God makes a covenant with Abraham, ch. 15. The birth and disposal of Ishmael, ch. 16. The Promise of Isaac, ch. 17. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, chs. 18-19. Abraham lives at Gerar.

Rawlinson's Army was engaged and driven back at Nieuport, thus disorganizing his plans; and Ypres the other flank was intensely bombarded with high explosives and gas shells on that never-to-be-forgotten night of July 12-13. The gas casualties in Ypres who were taken to hospital on July 13 were, I was told, 3,000! A much higher figure than I thought at first.

Winter was coming on apace; the country was flooded; the storms in that-bleak region and inclement season were incessant; and he was obliged to retreat before his army should be drowned. On the night of 12-13 November he set fire to his camp; and took his departure.

See also infra, p. 47. Canons of 1585 and 1597, Cardwell, Syn., i, 144 and 155-6 respectively. See in Hale, Crim. Prec., 206-7, the elaborate formula of confession prescribed for Wm. Peacock of Leighton, Essex, in 1592. See pp. 12-13, and p. 27, supra. Barnes' Eccles. For such a permit to hear preaching elsewhere, see Hale, Crim. Hale, ibid., 187-8. 1 Eliz., c. 2, sec. iii, ad finem.

Winter was coming on apace; the country was flooded; the storms in that-bleak region and inclement season were incessant; and he was obliged to retreat before his army should be drowned. On the night of 12-13 November he set fire to his camp; and took his departure.

It was realized, particularly by the British, that the best way to meet the Zeppelins was by aeroplane attack, yet on the raid just described, the great airships entirely escaped the British aviators. This Zeppelin raid was followed by a second on the night of August 12-13, 1915, which was directed against the military establishment at Harwich.

Parke was chosen for president, Mrs. Jacobs having been elected auditor of the National Association. The State convention was held in Birmingham Feb. 12-13, 1917, and the officers re-elected except that Miss Worthington was made recording secretary.

Winter was coming on apace; the country was flooded; the storms in that-bleak region and inclement season were incessant; and he was obliged to retreat before his army should be drowned. On the night of 12-13 November he set fire to his camp; and took his departure.

LXXIX, pp. 18-34, 107-124, 191-212, 353-374, 529-552; vol. XXXVII, pp. 12-13. Luis de León in Revista de Filología española , vol.

Winter was coming on apace; the country was flooded; the storms in that-bleak region and inclement season were incessant; and he was obliged to retreat before his army should be drowned. On the night of 12-13 November he set fire to his camp; and took his departure.