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Peasants threw down the axe and the spade for the pike and bow and arrows. Led by knights, on whose armour a red Cross was emblazoned, the people poured out in their millions for the first Crusade. It is said that in the spring of 1096 an "expeditionary force" of six million people was heading toward Palestine.

In the month of August, 1096, they commenced their march, through Hungary and Bulgaria.

As early as the 8th of March, 1096, and in the course of the spring three mobs rather than armies set out on the crusade, with a strength, it is said, of eighty or one hundred thousand persons in one case, and of fifteen or twenty thousand in the other two.

This is the familiar history of social movements, and that in religion such movements have been continuous will be evident from a brief statement of the historical facts. +1096+. Savage secret societies. These societies are referred to above; here we have only to notice their germinal ecclesiastical character.

Lanfranc's choir was of but two bays and an apse. This was too obviously inadequate to be tolerated by the monks. In 1096 it was pulled down and a great apsidal choir of ten bays was built over a lofty crypt, with a tower on either side the apse and an eastern transept having four apsidal chapels in the eastern walls, two in the north arm and two in the south.

Ep. Coleri 37. Ep. 412. p. 873. Ep. 880. p. 387. Ep. 439. p. 880. Ep. 444. p. 881. Ep. 1096. Ep. 1232. p. 557. Ep. præs. vir. 451. p. 728. Ep. 534. p. 914. Fabric. Delect. Argum. c. 30. p. 551. Joannis Christophori Lockeri Dissertatio Epistolica, Historiam libelli Grotiani De Veritate Religionis Christianæ complectens, 1725, in quarto; see also the Journal des Scavans de Pan. 1724.

These three great armies of crusaders got on the march from August to October, 1096, wending their way, Godfrey de Bouillon by Germany, Hungary, and Bulgaria; Bohemond by the south of Italy and the Mediterranean; and Count Raymond of Toulouse by Northern Italy, Friuli, and Dalmatia. They arrived one after the other in the empire of the East and at the gates of Constantinople.

It was thus that the Abbey of St Florent came to establish a Priory at Beeding, or Sele as the monks called it, and this about 1096; and William's son Philip confirmed them in his father's gifts, and before the end of the twelfth century this alien priory possessed the churches of Sele, Bramber, Washington, Old Shoreham and New, to say nothing of the little chapel of St Peter on the old bridge between Bramber and Beeding.

As early as 1096, we find Pope Urban II. describing Val Louise, one of the Dauphiny valleys then called Vallis Gyrontana, from the torrent of Gyr, which flows through it as "infested with heresy."

The request was refused, and Godfrey resumed his march, treating the land through which he passed as an enemy's country, until by way of Adrianople he at length appeared before the walls of the capital at Christmastide, 1096.