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Containing an account of the botanical treasures collected by him in the New World, and brought home in his magnificent herbarium. VIII. Recueil des Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie comparée faites dans un Voyage aux Tropiques: two volumes quarto. IX. Essai Politique sur la Nouvelle Espagne. 1811: two volumes quarto.

"Once in the year," says Troschel's 'Handbuch der Zoologie, "they migrate in great crowds to the sea in order to deposit their eggs, and afterwards return much exhausted towards their dwelling places, which are reached only by a few." The most important peculiarities which distinguish this Zoea-brood from the adult animal, are as follows:

"On sait qu'an XVI siècle, le mystère de l'Incarnation étoit souvent représenté par une allegorie ainsi conçue: Une licorne se réfugiant au sein d'une vierge pure, quatre lévriers la pressant d'une course rapide, un veneur ailé sonnant de la trompette. La science de la zoologie mystique du temps aide

But I am bound to add that some competent judges dispute this conclusion; for instance, M. Giard, in a series of papers in the 'Archives de Zoologie Experimentale, for 1872. We have thus far endeavoured rudely to trace the genealogy of the Vertebrata by the aid of their mutual affinities.

Toussenel, in his Zoölogie Passionelle, has a kind word even for these savages: "Let us pity the cannibal, and not blame him too severely. We who boast of our refined Christian civilization murder men by tens of thousands from motives less excusable than hunger. The crime lies not in roasting our dead enemy, but in killing him when he wishes to live."

This has become proverbial among zoologists, as can be attested by the 265 of them who have worked at the laboratory. The very numerous and remarkable memoirs that have been prepared here are to be found recorded in the fourteen volumes of the Archives de Zoologie Experimentale founded by Mr. Lacaze Duthiers.

But with domesticated sheep the presence or absence of horns is not a firmly fixed character; for a certain proportion of the merino ewes bear small horns, and some of the rams are hornless; and in most breeds hornless ewes are occasionally produced. Dr. 'Uber die knochernen Schadelhocker der Vogel, in the 'Niederland. Archiv fur Zoologie, B.i.

J. H. Fabre, Souvenirs entomologiques, pp. 225 et seq. "Étude sur l'Instinct du Cerceris ornata," Archives de Zoologie expérimentale, ii. Série, t. 5, 1887.

Philosophie zoologique, 2e édition, Paris, 1830; Histoire des Animaux sans Vertèbres, Introduction, 1835. Philosophie anatomique, 1818; Zoologie générale, 1841. Le Règne Animal, 1829; Leçons d'Anatomie comparée, 2e édition, 1835-46.

"Je dus donc, et cette obligation me prit un temps considérable, je dus faire marcher de front l'anatomie et la zoologie, les dissections et le classement; chercher dans mes premières remarques sur l'organisation des distributions meilleures; m'en servir pour arriver