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It was this: WHAT LEV-EL-HEDYD SAW. Yesterday, after nightfall, as he was hastening toward the Zlotuhb he fell violently upon some blocks of stone, wrenching his ankle and much bruising himself. Unable to walk upon his foot he limped into this building to await our coming in the morning.

We see ahead of us the ruins of a great dome, also a very high shaft. Probably they belong to the city we seek. 4th July A date we shall not forget! Little did I realize this morning when we left the Zlotuhb in such hilarious mood what dire events awaited us.

I wavered and at last consented, foolishly I believe, for the crew are loud for Persia. And this town is inland on a river. He says it was their finest city, the seat of Government, the capital of the country. Grip-til-lah swears he can find it if the map is truthful. Ja-khaz still eats by himself. This afternoon we reclined upon the deck, the Zlotuhb drifting gently in a southerly direction.

But I would readily venture my head in the Zlotuhb against any of these nursery-tale wonders. Nofuhl. And with wisdom. For the loss of thy brain. Ad-el-pate, could not affect the nature of thy speech. Whereupon there was laughter, and Ad-el-pate held his peace. Khan-li. But tell us of this battle, O Nofuhl. I remember now to have read about it at college.

Also while in this park we came to a high tower, standing by itself, and climbed to the top, where we enjoyed a wide-spreading view. The extent of the city is astounding. Miles away in the river lay the Zlotuhb, a white speck on the water. All about us in every direction as far as sight can reach were ruins, and ruins, and ruins. Never was a more melancholy sight.

Nofuhl alone is without enthusiasm. The old man's heart seems dead. We can see the land plainly, a dim strip along the western horizon. A fair wind blows from the northeast, but we get on with cruel hindrance, for the Zlotuhb is a heavy ship, her bluff bow and voluminous bottom ill fitting her for speed. 11th May Sighted a fine harbor this afternoon, and are now at anchor in it.

It was our wish to explore further, but the streets were like ovens, and we returned to the Zlotuhb. As I sat upon the deck this afternoon recording the events of the morning in this journal Bhoz-ja-khaz and Ad-el-pate approached, asking permission to take the small boat and visit the great statue.

Much more of the same nature he told us, but I am too sleepy to write longer. We explored the rest of the mansion, finding many things of interest. I caused several objects to be carried aboard the Zlotuhb. 14th May Hotter than yesterday. In the afternoon we were rowed up the river and landed for a short walk. It is unsafe to brave the sun.