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Swift as was his movement, and unprepared as his tormentors were for it, just as the horse rose to his leap over the wagon tongue, and as the rider flung himself low on his neck to escape what he knew would come, a bow twanged back of him. They all heard the zhut! of the arrow as it struck. Then, in a stumbling heap, horse and rider fell, rolled over, as a sleet of arrows followed through.

"You shot that fine deer, Jacob? and there was only one charge in the gun! Well done; you must have taken good aim." "Why, zur, oie took no aim at all. Oie just pointed the gun at the deer, and zhut my oeys an let fly at 'un. 'Twas Providence kill'd 'un, not oie." "I believe you," said Moodie; "Providence has hitherto watched over us and kept us from actual starvation."

Yet even the best courage suffers when a man hears the wailing of his children back of him, the groans of his wife. As the hours passed, with no more than an occasional rifle shot or the zhut! of an arrow ending its high arc, the tension on the nerves of the beleaguered began to manifest itself. At midday the children began to cry for water.

"You shot that fine deer, Jacob? and there was only one charge in the gun! Well done; you must have taken a good aim." "Why, zur, oie took no aim at all. Oie just pointed the gun at the deer, and zhut my oeys an let fly at 'un. 'Twas Providence kill'd 'un, not oie." "I believe you," said Moodie; "Providence has hitherto watched over us and kept us from actual starvation."