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Good Lord! poor drunken old thing, with that crowd of hungry relations waiting like vultures round a dying camel! Never think of her. Money she has, but I sha'n't see the colour of it, and I don't want to." "Well, let that bide. Martin Grimbal's the man in my thought." "What can I do there?" "Doan't knaw, 'zactly; but things might fall out if he got to like you, being a bookish sort of man.

"Like Mary's lamb, the alligator followed you to school one day, did it, Bunny?" "She didn't 'zactly follow me," Bunny explained, as he took his pet out to the tank in the barn. "I carried Judy in my pencil box, but I didn't know it." Bunny went back to school and finished his lessons.

"`Wot are you, then? says the hofficer. "`I's a Moor, says I. "`Moor's the pity, says he." Ted gave a short laugh at this. "Now, that's strange," observed Ali, glancing at his companion in some surprise; "that's 'zactly wot they all did, w'en the hofficer says that! I've thought oftin 'bout it since, but never could see wot they laugh at."

Well, he was prayin'; that's the fact about it, I s'pose; and ye know I felt jest as safe when that man was round! I don't believe I could a' been drownded when he was in the woods any more'n if I'd a' been a mink. An' Paul Benedict is in the poor-house! I vow I don't 'zactly see why the Lord let that man go up the spout; but perhaps it'll all come out right. Where's your ma, boy?"

But you've sworn all right and now I'll tell 'e." He bent forward and whispered in the other's ear, whereon Hicks started in evident amazement and showed himself much concerned. "Good Heavens! Man alive, are you mad?" "You doan't 'zactly look on ahead enough, Clem," said Will loftily. "Ban't the thing itself's gwaine to make a fortune, but what comes of it.

Not getting a reply, he shouted again. Presently two men appeared with as many lanterns. "Here, you fellows, get a move on, and help these ladies on board, will you? Were you asleep, hey?" "Wall, no, not 'zactly, sah, but I'se done been working hard today," it was the colored cook replying, as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"You're a trump!" said the burglar. "Well," exclaimed the clerk, with a tremendous assumption of winking-dignity, "ishn't zhat zactly what I was goin' to shay, if you'd on'y listen. `What'll you 'ave to drink! jus' so. Now, if you want to argue it out properly, you'll "

Somewhat the worse for his night in the guard-house, Parson Patterson comes forward and commences in the most unintelligible manner to explain the whole affair, when the Judge very blandly interrupts by inquiring if he is a member of the clergy at this moment. "Welle," returns the parson, with characteristic drawl, "can't zactly say I am."

She wanted me to come day before yesterday, but I couldn't get away 'til to-day." "Where is Miss Panney?" asked La Fleur, quickly. "She's gone to the seashore, where the Bannisters an' Miss Miriam is. She said she'd come here herself if it hadn't been for goin' thar." "To look after Mike?" asked the other. "Not 'zactly," said Phoebe, with a grin.

"We live over at Lake Sagatook that is, we don't zactly live there, but we're visiting Grandma Bell." "Oh, are you some of the little children staying at Mrs. Bell's house?" asked the gate-tender. "I heard she had company. I know her well, but I don't often get a chance to see her. So you're her company." "She's our grandma," explained Russ.